Chapter 42

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A couple of days had gone by, the guys and I spending most of our nights either in the basement or at Deviant.

We were finally off house arrest. Not because the person responsible for the arson attack on Tobias' company had been found, but because Chief Wilson said that we couldn't be on house arrest for ever.

So to keep us protected while going on about our lives, he hired a police car to remain stationed out of the house as well as outside of Tobias' company for twenty-four hours a day.

Margaret and I would often bring them something to eat or drink as a way to say thank you for their protection.

It's also been great practice for me, who still has dreams of baking but can't seem to get my pies not to burn.

I squealed with excitement when I retrieved my pie from the oven and discovered that it wasn't burnt to a crisp, but golden brown in color.

It smelled amazing and I couldn't hardly wait to try it. I used my hip to close the oven, before setting the pie down on the stove top.

I removed my oven mitts and turned off the oven just as Olivia and Sadie came bounding into the kitchen.

"What are you burning now?" Olivia asked, eyeing my dessert on the stove warily.

I placed my hands on my hips, frowning at her. "Excuse me, but I'll have you know that I did not burn this one."

"I'm still not eating it. Especially after you almost gave me a stroke from all the salt you put in the last one."

My bottom lip puffed out into a pout. "It was an accident. I thought it said 1/4 tablespoon of salt, not teaspoon," I told her with a sigh, still feeling terrible for not having read the ingredients I found on Google correctly.

"I'll pass," she waved me off, turning around to leave the kitchen. "I like living."

I rolled my eyes, before bringing my attention to Sadie. I gave her a wide, hopeful smile.

She started to sob. "I don't want to die."

"Okay, okay drama queen. You don't have to eat it."

Her fake tears disappeared, a bright smile on her face as she skipped away.

Groaning in frustration, I proceeded to cut out a single slice and place it onto a plate. Grabbing a fork from within the silverware drawer, I decided to do a taste test first.

I don't know what I was expecting, but I definitely didn't expect it to taste as good as it did.

"Damn," I muttered, cutting myself another small piece and placing it into my mouth.

"What smells amazing?" I heard Kieran ask, his voice getting louder the closer he got to the kitchen. "Hey Ru- oh fuck."

He paused when he saw me leaned over the stove with a fork in my hand.

He smiled nervously, scratching the back of his neck. "Hey, darling."

"Don't you 'hey, darling' me," I retorted, my feelings hurt. "My cooking isn't that bad. Is it?" I wanted to cry, feeling like everyone in my family was against me.

"Of course not. You're not... terrible?"

"Why do you have a question mark at the end?" I asked, feeling tears well up in my eyes.

"Fuck. I- please don't cry. I'm sorry. It's just- damn it." Kieran's face was red with embarrassment, never having been good at interacting when tears are involved.

He approached me to wipe my tears and kiss my cheek. "If it makes you feel any better, I didn't die after eating your salty pie last time."

"Kieran!" I scolded, punching him in his gut.

He grunted, lurching forward. "For fucks sake, Elle. Did you have to hit me so damn hard?"

"You guys suck!"

He tried to grab me, but I shifted out of his reach and walked out of the kitchen.

I wasn't looking where I was going -as always- and ended up bumping into Tobias.

His hands were on my hips, his gaze penetrating as he stared down at me. "What's wrong?"



"I'm never going to bake again!" I tried to walk away from him, but he wrapped his arms around me, hugging me to his chest.

"Nice try, but you're not going anywhere."

I wiggled, trying to wrench my way out of his hold. But to no avail. I sighed, accepting defeat.

"Are you done?"

"Yes," I mumbled, my face buried in his dress shirt.

"Look at me."

I lifted my head, still frowning. "Did you make another pie?"


"Would you like me to try it?"


The icy look in his eyes told me he wanted to correct me on not giving him a verbal response, but decided to let it slide just this once.

He followed me into the kitchen where I had left my apple pie and Kieran. My eyes widened, Kieran having eaten nearly half of the slice of pie.

He looked at me with crumbs all around his mouth. "This shit is amazing! Well done, love."

I smiled at him. "Thank you."

Tobias narrowed his eyes in suspicion, wondering if Kieran was bullshitting to make up for hurting my feelings and making me cry or if he really did like my apple pie.

He set his computer bag down on the Island and grabbed a fork from the drawer. He took just enough to sample and slowly put it in his mouth.

I watched with anticipation, waiting for him to either praise me or barf all over the kitchen floor.

He'd also fell victim to my salty pie, only his immune system isn't as strong as everyone else's so he ended up spending most of the night in the bathroom puking up his guts.

His Adam's apple bobbed up and down as he swallowed, the anticipation eating me alive.

"Do you like it?" I blurted out, earning a glare from him.

I apologized, nervously chewing on the inside of my cheek until I tasted iron in my mouth.

"Tobias," I whined after feeling like I'd die if another minute passed without a response.

A small smirk tugged at his lips. "It's good."

"Yay!" I danced around the kitchen, doing all kinds of moves like the robot and the Macarena.

"So fucking adorable," Kieran commented with a laugh, watching me dance around the kitchen in his t-shirt that I still couldn't fit even after trying to shrink it in the dryer for the fifth time.

Tobias grabbed me my shirt, pulling me towards him. "Come on happy feet. You still need to go get dressed."

I stopped dancing. "Oh shit! I totally forgot."

Sadie has her father-daughter dance tonight and she asked Kieran and Tobias to take her. And I'm supposed to be helping Sadie pick out her dress.

I was only supposed to be helping Sadie, but the guys were so worried about picking the wrong suit that they practically begged me to help them too.

They're so freaking adorable.

"I'll be back in a bit!" I yelled over my shoulder, running out of the kitchen excitedly.

"Don't take all day!" Tobias shouted back.

I knew he was expecting a response, but I was feeling bratty.

"I know you hear me, Elle!"

"Yeah, yeah. I heard you!" I finally responded back, trying not to explode with laughter and get my ass punished for the hundredth time.

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