Chapter 24

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It became a routine for us. When I wasn't working or helping Sadie with her homework, I was spending my nights either in the basement or at Deviant.

The more I spent with Kieran and Tobias, the more comfortable I felt around them. It became an almost natural thing for us. And with every passing moment we spent together, the stronger the sexual attraction became.

I thought we were doing a pretty good job of hiding it until Tobias' secretary stopped me in the hall on my way to his office. Debbie, I think her name was.

She was wearing a hot pink dress and nude heels, her breasts sitting so high that I could probably pop them like a balloon. 

"Is there something going on between you and Mr. Grant?"

"I don't see how that's any of your business, Deborah."

She narrowed her blue eyes, closely examining my face as if that would somehow reveal the answer she's looking for. 

"Sexual relationships involving your co-workers is highly inappropriate." She crossed her arms over her chest, pushing her breasts up even higher. "I could report you to H.R."

"Do it," I challenged boldly. "And while you're at it, go ahead and tell them about all the pictures you take of Mr. Grant when he's not looking."

Her bubblegum pink lips fell open, a baffled expression on her reddened face. "H-How do you know about that?" She asked with a nervous stammer.

I gave her a smug smile as I walked past her, hoping that my subtle threat will finally get her to leave me alone.

If Debbie hadn't left the flash on, Kieran wouldn't have caught her taking a picture of Tobias during his lunch break. 

I'm assuming Tobias doesn't know about her weird obsession with him, because unfortunately she's still here. I don't for how much longer though. 

Kieran temporarily confiscated her phone so he could delete all the pictures before giving it back to her. She doesn't know if he told Tobias or not, so she's been extra nice to me whenever he's around.

She's always trying to kiss his ass, which everyone in the building has noticed. Especially Tobias. And he can't stand it.

Knocking on the door before entering his office, I handed him the revenue documents he asked me to print before Debbie decided to stick her nose in business that didn't concern her.

Tobias only looked up to acknowledge my presence for a moment before proceeding to talk to whoever was on the end of his phone call.

"I'm busy all week."

I looked at Kieran, who was currently leaning against the bookshelf with a hand in his pocket. He smiled when he caught me staring at him, warmth blossoming on my cheeks.

"No, I just-" Tobias huffed. "Fine. Come by tonight around-" He glanced down at his wrist watch before replying. "-Eight. I'll have Ruth and Margaret cook your favorites." When the call ended, he set his phone down and sighed as he looked over at Kieran.

"You can't avoid the Chief forever," Kieran said with a tight lipped smile.

"I'm not trying to avoid him," Tobias said with a frown. "I've been busy."

"Who's the Chief?" I asked, two sets of eyes flickering over to me. "Is he a friend of yours?"

"Something like that," Kieran answered, pushing himself off the bookshelf and pulling his hand out of his pocket. "Tobias and I grew up in a group home. The Chief and his wife have been looking after us ever since we were kids."

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