Prologue: A new beginning

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Pixal's POV


The only thing that I feel right now. When I was first built I couldn't feel any feelings at all. That was until I met someone like me... a droid.

His name was Zane Julien...

At first for me he was just an outdated machine. Only if I knew how much he truly meant the day I saw him. He showed me love, kindness, bravery and most importantly he showed me how to be a human.

It's been a week since his death and the tension on the ninja team only grew stronger and stronger. Cole and Jay are always on each others throats and Nya was not leaving her room when she hears them shout. Kai and Lloyd get in arguments to many times. I wasn't even with them at that times.

The last time I heard of them was two days ago. From what Nya told me they all got their separate ways. Zane was like a brother to them and I feel sorry. Nya and Lloyd are the only ones who didn't gave up.

As for me? I feel even worse than them all. I am devastated. I couldn't even bring myself to go on his funeral. The only one who knew how I really felt was my father. Everyone is grieving for Zane but they didn't even cared how I feel. I can't even go outside for a few seconds. Everything just reminds me of... him.

I haven't left my room at all. I cry myself to sleep. I can't even sleep at night. I have nightmares every night. I watch him die and I do nothing about it! I couldn't save him!

After this night's nightmare, I couldn't take it anymore and I just bursted out crying. I can't keep up pretending that I'm fine. I'm absolutely not okay! My father must have heard me and he almost immediately came in my room.

"Pixal, what happened my dear?" He said as he put his hand on my knee.

"He is gone, father! And I couldn't do nothing than just watch. He didn't even though how his sacrifice would affect me." I sobbed. "I just can't do this anymore!"

"Hey, hey don't talk like that. Everything will be just–"

"No! Nothing is gonna be fine! I-I loved him, father!" I shouted as I slammed my fist on my mattress. I can't just move on like everyone else did.

My father didn't said anything. He just hugged me and I cried on his shoulder. I just can't believe how easy was for everyone to just move on and forget that it ever happened. I'm so angry at Zane for doing this, I'm so angry at myself for not doing anything to stop him!

After my father left my room I wasn't able to get to sleep anymore. I looked at the nightstand next to my bed. There was a photo of Zane on it. I grabbed it and started looking at it.

"Why did you had to do this to me?! Why did you had to leave me?!" I cried out and screamed at the picture getting no answer back. I hugged it close to me. I stared crying again.

"I can't stay in here anymore. I need to get out of this cursed place." I said as I put the picture back to it's place.

I opened my wardrobe and got as many of my clothes I can. I need to get out of Ninjago as soon as possible. After I got everything I needed, I sat on my computer and searched for the most faraway places. One of the places took my interest the most... America. I thought for a second. If I'm really going to do this I need a change. I know exactly what to do!

Without thinking twice I grabbed my stuff. I gave a last look at Zane's photo. I sighed and jumped out of the window. Even though we were at the 100th floor I still managed to go down without a scratch. Before I go though, I have one last thing to do.

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