Chapter 14: Kyle's Farewell

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Pixal's POV

Me, Lucas and Zane are gathered in Kyle's hotel room while he was packing his stuff. We were all very sad that he has to go first but I guess it needs to be this way so we can stay safe. I was still devastated that after Kyle is gone, me and Lucas have to go back to America and I will be away from Zane, while he fights the Overlord.

"Okay this is the last thing." Kyle said as he put the last of his clothes in his suitcase.

"Is this really the only way?" Lucas asked, desperately wanting to find other solution to our situation.

"Lucas, we talked about this many times. That how it needs to be." Kyle said, ruffling Lucas' hair.

"Well if you look on the bright side you still have few hours until your flight to Japan." Zane stated, trying to be positive.

"Yeah, maybe we can do something together for one last time." I suggested.

"Ok, but what?" Lucas said, tapping his chin.

I thought for a while and I came up with an idea that Kyle might like. "Well Kyle do you remember when I first bacame an American soldier?" I asked him with a smile.

"How can I forget?" He chuckled. "I used to torture you with my intense training."

"Do you mind filling me in?" Zane asked while scratching his head.

"Ok everything started when Kyle accepted to train me." I said with a smile, recalling the event of my life.



When the morning came on me and Lucas headed at the location Kyle was awaiting us. Lucas already knew where we are heading but won't tell me why Kyle even chose this place. He did warn me that Kyle is a tricky one and his trainings are very intense but I was ready for anything.

"Okay, we are here," Lucas announced and I was kind of surprised. Why would even Kyle tell us to come at some mountain hills. On top of that Kyle was nowhere to be seen. "but where is Kyle?"

I looked around for a while until I spot him on top of one very high hill. When Kyle saw me he waved his hand. "You guys finally came!" He shouted.

"What is the meaning of all this?!" I shouted back.

"You just need to come where am I but be careful, this hill is very tricky one." He shouted back and I could swear that he had a little smirk.

This wasn't a good sign.

"Well Penelope I guess you are alone in this..." Lucas tried to escape but Kyle quickly noticed.

"You too Lucas!" He shouted.

"Well if I am going to suffer, that means you will suffer with me." I shrugged and started glimbing the hill.

At first it wasn't that hard but then I remember that I am a droid. I wasn't built for swiftness and agility but my time with the ninja did helped a little. Lucas was right behind me, panting. For someone who is already trained, he is getting tired really easily.

As I continued to climb, it became a lot harder. Just as I was about to make another step but I slipped and lost my balance, crashing right at Lucas who was a little behind from me.

"Ow, that was a really hard fall." Kyle shouted, one of his eyes closed.

"Penelope, you are very heavy." Lucas said under me.

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