Chapter 11: Lost And Found

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It was a week since Cryptor got in prison. Literally nothing have happened since then. The streets of Ninjago were calm once again. Sadly no one knows what the Overlord is planning.

In the mountains, a dark shadow sat on his throne. His purple eyes shone with hatred as he looked a picture that was taken long ago. Two of the people in the picture had him most intrigued.

"Who should I take first?" The Overlord asked himself, his deep voice sending off creepy vibes. "Should I take out the green one first or the nindroid?"

The Overlord then took out another photo. "Where is that bitch Chae-Yeong?! I want the Korean right now!" He angrily yelled tearing the photo in pieces.

Then the door opened to reveal Chae-Yeong, having an   unconscious body on her back. The person who she was holding had a bag on its head. The Overlord wickedly smiled at the sight of this.

"Ah so you can actually bring the Korean to me. Tie her up!"

Chae-Yeong dropped Penelope on the ground. She brought a chair from the other room and put Penelope on it. Chae-Yeong tied her tightly with a rope and got the bag off her head. She blindfolded her and put a duct tape on her mouth.

"I didn't liked her anyway." Chae-Yeong said and the Overlord chuckled maniacally. "Good job Chae-Yeong, you did well."

"Does that mean you will set my brother free?" Chae-Yeong asked a hopeful smile on her face.

The Overlord whistled to his dark guardians, signaling them to come. The dark guardians saluted to their boss. "Let the boy go and tell him to forget that this ever happened."

The guardians went to another room. The room was gigantic and had many cages which were empty. Only one of them had a person in it. The dark guardians opened the cage. The person stood up and looked around.

"The boss is letting you go." One of the guardians said.

"What about my sister?" The boy, which name was Jung-jin asked.

"She is staying with the boss until he releases her." The guardian said but then pointing his sword at the boy. "Now you will forget that all of this ever happened. You will never tell anyone if you want to see your sister alive."

"Y-yes. I will forget all this h-happened. I promise, I just want my sister to be alright. Don't hurt her, please."

"Now go and don't look back!" The guardian roared ath the boy.

Jung-jin started running away, tears streaming down his eyes. He just wanted his sister to be safe. He had only her left.


Pixal's POV

I started gaining consciousness. I don't remember what happened exactly. I only remember coming back from the monastery since I slept there. My head is pounding from the hit I received.

I opened my eyes but the only thing I saw was darkness. I was blindfolded and had something on my mouth. Is this duct tape? I tried to move around but I was tied up. What the hell was going up?

"Well, well, well looks like someone finally woke up." I heard a familiar deep voice say and I already got goosebumps. The blindfold on my eyes got roughly taken off and I was met by purple eyes. "The one and only American soldier, Penelope Choi."

The Overlord was right in front of me. I tried to not shake with fear. It was hard though. "What do you want from me? How did I got here?" I tried to speak but I could only muffle.

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