Chapter 9: Shocking Discovery

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A/N: Just to say that this AU have every season covered in Ninjago except Crystalized. I wanted you to know so enjoy the chapter!

Pixal's POV

Ah, finally I can leave this place! I've been one week in the hospital but now I'm officially free. Although Sun-Young was keeping me busy with her crazy stories it was still very boring. The only fun thing was Zane's visits.

Since he remembered our past relationship, he didn't left my side. I always got a little sad when the hospital staff makes him leave. At least he always comes the next day so we can spend most of the time together. Of course he was also my savior from Sun-Young's annoying presence.

I was packing my stuff while Sun-Young kept me company.  While I was here she was the only one allowed to stay overnight. People still continued to mistake us for sisters, even though we have a different last names. But considering how much time I spent with her this past week and I do feel her as my sister.

"Finally I can leave this place!" I said from the bathroom as I put my clothes on.

"I'm happy because I feel all depressed in here." Sun-Young said and chuckle a little.

I left the bathroom and Sun-Young looked at me confused. "You are not going straight to work, right?" She asked a little worried.

I was in my uniform and sighed. I understand that she is still worried about me, I'm worried about myself too but I can't just stand do nothing. Not after what happened to me. I feel like he is coming for a revenge,

And there is nothing that can stop him.

"I'm sorry Sun-Young but I need to be prepared for anything." I said, fear in my voice.

I'm usually so calm and don't worry about stuff but this time I just can't. I feel like something bad is going to happen soon and this will only lead to my friends getting hurt. I just want them to be safe. I already told everything to Sun-Young and she is being a great support.

"Are you sure it was him that tried to kill you? Are you sure he is the masked person?" Sun-Young asked. "I mean you were almost unconscious when he shot you."

"His eyes were red, Sun-Young." I said, grabbing her by the shoulder and shaking her softly. "It's definitely him!"

"If what you say is really true and he is coming for you or Zane," Sun-Young started and put her hand on my shoulder. "I'm going to help you no matter what and I'm sure Lucas and Kyle will do too."

I smiled at her and hugged her. "Thank you Sun-Young, for your words and that you stayed with me here." She just chuckled and hugged me back. "Anything for you, sis."

I pulled away in surprise. Did she really called me her sister?

"I know it feels strange but ever since I met you I've always thought of you as a sister and when Misako mistook us for sisters I really did believe it." Sun-Young smiled at me and I couldn't help but smile at her too.

"I thought the same of you too." I admitted and Sun-Young was kind of surprised. "I mean we both lost our parents and we don't have anyone besides our friends."

"Like you said 'we are two broken Koreans who don't have anyone in this world' and I want you to know that we will have eachother no matter what. Always." Sun-Young said and we hugged again. I got a little sensitive and started sobbing on her shoulder.

"Hey, hey, hey!" Sun-Young exclaimed as she pulled away, grabbing me by the shoulders and saw me crying. "What happened?"

"I-I'm scared Sun-Young." I said as tears fogged my vision. "I'm so scared."

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