Chapter 5: A Handful Of Events

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Pixal's POV

I thought that going back to Ninjago would be painful but once again I was wrong. Ever since me and Zane met on the roof we became very good friends. It's clear that I still have crush on him but I'm taking it slow because I know Zane doesn't remember me as Pixal. I know that I shouldn't hide anything from him but I'm still afraid how he will react when he see me like myself. I should just tell him some other time.

I am at the legation trying to figure out where the masked person's next move will be. I always get on his tracks but when I want to shoot him with my riffle he just somehow disappears. Even in my recent encounter with him, he cut my face and now I have this nasty cut on the cheek. It doesn't hurt anymore since Kyle helped me clean the wound. Unfortunately it was still there and it will most definitely leave a scar.

"Hey Penelope." Lucas said as he approached me. "How is your face?"

"Still wounded." I simply replied as my gaze never leave the map of Ninjago.

Lucas looked at me concerned, he got a chair from the table and sat next to me. He looked at the map.

"You still haven't figured out where the masked dude's next strike will be."

"Unfortunately no." I averted my gaze to Lucas. "He still have to pay for cutting my face."

"Yeah, hurting an American soldier was his greatest mistake he has ever done in his life." Lucas chuckled. "I remember your grandfather always telling me and Kyle about your great-grandfather's achievement. He always liked to make it clear that they hurt an American and that it will be their grave mistake."

I looked at the portrait of my great-grandfather with a saddened expression. His smile warming my insides. It's kinda sad how my best friends know more about my family than me. Even though my father told me everything I should know, I still feel like that I know absolutely nothing.

"I'm glad that you two got to know my grandfather." I sighed sadly. "I wish I have met him."

"Oh, Pen—" he gave me a side hug. "-I'm sorry you feel this way."

"It's fine, really."

I looked at him and his smile fell. He observed me closer as I slowly pulled away a little. "Pen, when was the last time you had a proper sleep?" He asked, his voice full of worry.

"Honestly I don't know."

Ever since the masked person's cases got more frequent, I haven't sleep to much. Even though I'm an android who is supposed to never stop, I still needed to sleep. Maybe I should take a break but I just can't. I need to continue working so the people of Ninjago to be safe.

"How about this." Lucas started, looking at me with small smile. "You go for a little break while I continue to think of a plan."

"Lucas, you know that I–"

"No, I insist!"

I sighed in defeat. He is kind of right and besides I can't change his mind anyway. I gave him a grateful smile before I stood up and went outside for a fresh air.

It was the afternoon and the weather got kind of cold. I looked at the sun and smiled sadly. I haven't seen Zane in a while. I'm always so busy and I fear that he thinks I prefer to work instead of hanging out with him.

I walked around the streets of Ninjago. Ever since I came back everyday I visited my father and we had a great talks together. Man, it was quite some time since I have seen my father last. I headed straight for the Borg Tower to pick him up for a dinner. It went some time but I managed to get him to join me at Skylor's restaurant.

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