Chapter 1: Back home

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*10 years later*

Pixal's POV

It's been ten years since I came to America and became a US marine officer. I got used to being a human. I learned how to eat, sleep and go to the toilet (It's disgusting don't ask me). Me and my teammates got along very well. I even became best friends with Kyle and Lucas. They are the only ones that know about my past. They knew I was a robot and I told them my real name.

For the past years I let go of my depression. Sadly I can't stop my feeling for Zane. He is my fist big love and he will always be. I never came back to Ninjago. The only one that I contacted from there was my father. We didn't talked much about what happened in Ninjago but it was going well. He told me the ninjas are back together and kicking butts now and then. It's kind of sad how they moved on. I also did but I still can't forget everything me and Zane were supposed to be.

Recently me, Kyle and Lucas came back from another fight. Time seemed different here and right now we have a war. This time me and Lucas came out with little injuries. Unfortunately for poor Kyle though... it was very rough for him. He had to go in a surgery. Right now he is recovering but he is a though guy and besides he is doing pretty well. It was two weeks ago since then and now Kyle is fully recovered.

Right now we are at Commander James office. He asked for us to go there and wait for him. I wonder what he wants with us. I hope it's not another battle. Then the big boss came and I got goosebumps.

"Captains Penelope Choi, Kyle Moore and Lucas Jordan."

"Yes, sir." We stood still and saluted.

"Speak softly." He said "I have another mission for you. You need to go to Ninjago City. Is that clear?"

Wait, what? No... everywhere but not there. Sadly I can't talk back to the big boss and I need to deal with it.

"Yes, sir!" We said as we saluted again but my face was stiff and grumpy.

I can't believe this is happening! Right now I'm in the library looking at the  pictures major James gave me to see. Ninjago has changed so much but this is not what got my interest. There was a page of a magazine and the ninjas were on it... and one titanium figure caught my attention. That's definitely Zane. He is alive!

"Hey Pix, how are you feeling?" Lucas asked as he came up to me

"Honestly I feel awful. I can't believe the big boss from all the places on the world we needed to go to Ninjago!"

"Sadly life is cruel to some people. Anyway what are you looking at?"

I showed him the magazine. Lucas's eyes widened.

"No way, this robot dude looks like–"

"Him? Yeah, I can't believe that he was alive all this time and nobody told me. Not even my father!" I said, saddened and frustrated

I'm so angry right now! Zane is alive and nobody told me about it! When I go to Ninjago I will need a good explanation from my father.

"Okay, but what's the mission that lead us to go to this cursed place?"

"Apparently some guy with a mysterious mask is causing chaos at night." I said. Another thing that my father didn't told me about. "The ninja stopped him few times but this dude doesn't give up. I fear that something bad is going to happen in Ninjago and we need to do something about it." I sighed.

"Well that's just our luck. We just need to stay hidden at least until the other soldiers come."

"Sadly, wherever I go I always get attention." I said with a smug smile on my face

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