Chapter 7: A Wedding To Remember

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Author's note: Okay, so the song above is gonna be used when Jay and Nya do their first dance as a married couple (well the other couples are gonna dance too of course 😉). It's one of the songs from the drama this book is based on, so I thought it will be perfect (also this is my favourite song from the soundtrack).

Nya's POV

"I can't believe it that I'm getting married today," I smiled brightly at my reflection on the mirror. I was wearing my wedding dress while Sun-Young did my hair. "And to none other than Jay."

"I'm happy for you Nya." Skylor said with a smile.

"Yeah, I'm happy for you too." Sun-Young said, with a sad smile. "Sadly I won't experience this anytime soon."

"You are still upset about the cancellation of your wedding?" I asked, rising an eyebrow.

"No, actually I'm happy that I did." Sun-Young said, clearly remembering something. "Zane deserves a better woman than me. I hope he will meet the right woman someday."

Then we all heard a knock on the door. At first I thought it will be Kai but when a head popped out, I instantly smiled. Looks like the right woman for Zane is about to come through the door.

"Can I come in girls?" Penelope asked a smile plastered on her face.

I didn't thought that she will come after what happened to her father. Poor girl was so heartbroken but I'm happy too see her smiling again. Even though I know that this is Pix, I still kept my promise and didn't told anyone.

"Of course you can come." I said, mirroring her smile.

She was wearing black jeans that were being held by suspenders, a white shirt with a bowtie and black shoes. Something I noticed about her is that she wasn't wearing her bandage, instead a nasty burnt scar was showing.

I feel sorry for her. Penelope always goes on wars and stuff, she never knows if she will come out alive from it but I'm guessing that she likes her job. After all that's what her great-grandfather and grandfather did before her. I kind of understand her.

"Well, well, well looks like my k-buddy decided to come." Sun-Young said as she and Penelope hugged. Looks like they are friends or something.

"This is not fair." Skylor said, jokingly. "Why Penelope can come dressed like that while I get to wear a dress?!"

"Because you are my maid of honour Sky." I gently punched her on the forearm. " Maid of honour's are always in dresses."

"Well, I look dumb." Skylor said unamused.

"Actually, you look very pretty Skylor." Penelope said with a friendly smile.

"Thanks for the compliment but I still look dumb."

"Um, I'm sorry to interrupt your meeting with your 'k-buddy' but you still haven't finished my hair." I said, turning to Sun-Young.

"Oh shoot!"

After a few minutes my hair was done and wow, Sun-Young outdid herself. I was finally ready to get married and leave this dress. I'm pretty sure that Skylor wants the same too. We both hate dresses and now that I think about it, Penelope also don't like dresses.

"How come are you not wearing a dress, Pen?" Sun-Young asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I'm an American soldier remember, we never wear dresses. Never!"

We all laughed at her comment. I guess spending the last ten years with a bunch of men didn't did her good. As long as she is happy though, I'm also happy. Me and Pix were very good friends before she left and I kind of don't blame her for that. She was unhappy here, I could see it in her puffy red eyes when she cried on my shoulder.

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