Chapter 3: Sun-Young's Return

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Sun-Young's POV

"你確定要回到那裡嗎親愛的?(Are you sure you want to return there sweetie?)." My mother asked, tears in her eyes. "我百分百確定! (I'm 100% sure!)" I nodded.

I was at the train station, saying goodbye to my adoptive parents. I really hate it when I hurt their feelings but I must return to Ninjago. It's been five years since I last saw my fiancé Zane,

And boy he must so mad at me for leaving without telling him.

"小心點,孫楊. 我們都知道忍者有多危險. (Just be careful, Sun-Young. We all know how dangerous Ninjago is.)" My father said giving me a hug. "別擔心你們. 我不會有事的.(Do not worry you guys. I will be fine.)" I reassured them.

I got myself on the train and sat next to the window. Just as the train went off I waved at my parents a goodbye and I set off for Ninjago. It's been so long since I've been there.

I'm originally from Korea but my parents were killed two days after I was born, so I got adopted by a very kind Chinese family. Even though I never lived in Korea I still know the language. I may have never met my real parents but I'm so lucky that I got adopted by such nice people.

After a very long ride, I finally arrived in Ninjago. The place is still the same but seemed more calmer. It feels like it's haven't been destroyed since the last time I was here. I texted my parents that I have arrived. They wished me luck and I wrote them a simple '我愛你. (I love you)'.  I put the phone in my pocket and went to my hotel.

It was on the centre of the city. I've been in this hotel before, so I'm good friend with the receptionist. I leaned on the counter and she looked at me.

"Sun-Young! What a surprise to see you here." Larissa said with a delightful smile. "I thought you will never return by now."

"Well it looks like you are mistaken." I winked at her. "Is my usual room free?"

Larissa looked down at her computer. "Unfortunately someone else is there already." Her smile faded. "I'm sorry Sun-Young, If I knew-"

"Do not worry Larissa." I flashed her a smile. "It's my fault anyway. I should have let you know that I was coming." I looked around the lobby. It has changed a little. "So, what have you been up to?"

"I started learning Korean." Larissa smiled proudly at herself.

"That's great, can you tell me what you know?"

She cleared her throat. "안녕하세요, 선영님!  오늘 기분이 어때? (Hello, Sun-Young! How are you feeling today?)" I clapped my hands. She is really good. "Good job, you are very good."

"Heh, I'm still in the beginning." Larissa rubbed the back of her neck. "Your room is 307." She said giving me the keys.

"Thank you Larissa. I will see you again soon." I blew her a kiss and went on the third floor.

As I was heading for my room, I accidently bumped in a woman. She was a little bit taller than me so I looked up a little. She is a Korean, just like me. I'm kind of phased, staring into her eyes. I smiled sheepishly and extended my hand to her. She doesn't take it and I put it off. Does she know English? Nah, I'm not gonna risk it.

"반갑습니다 김선영입니다! (Nice to meet you, I'm Kim Sun-Young)." I flashed the stranger a smile.

The woman looked at me skeptically. "나는 당신의 이름을 묻지 않았습니다. (I never asked for your name)." She replied in a not-so-great Korean before entering her room.

'Room 305 huh. I was here before. Next time I'm gonna try talking to this woman in English' I thought to myself.


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