Chapter 10: The Fight For The Metal

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A/N: Sorry about the delay of the chapter. I was a little sick but I'm okay now.

Pixal's POV

Me, Zane, Lucas and Kyle arrived at the ninja's monastery. I've never been here but man, there were so much stairs. I'm grateful for being a droid because I don't think I would be able to reach the top.

Unfortunately for poor Lucas and Kyle, the stairs almost took their breaths away. I chuckled everytime they struggled. For well trained American soldiers they get tired very easily.

"I'm glad this torture is over!" Lucas complained while catching his breath.

Suddenly the monastery's gates opened to reveal Cole. When he saw me I didn't expected him to embrace me. His grip was very tight so I gave a choking sound.

"That's too tight Cole!" I said pretending to be out of breath. He let me go and pat me on the back. "Sorry Pix, I'm just so glad to see you again." He said offering me a smile.

"We have met only few days before I left for America and you missed me that much?" I raised an eyebrow. "I thought I was a foreigner for you."

"In my defense I didn't knew it was you at that time." Cole said raising his hands in the air. "Is it true that you are Korean?"

"On my dad's side, yes."

"Sorry to interrupt your reunion but we have important things we need to talk about." Kyle chimed in. Ever since he became a major Kyle Moore he thinks of himself like a boss. It's quite annoying sometimes but he is right.

"Oh yeah, Zane said on the phone that the Overlord is back." Cole said while rolling his eyes. "I swear this guy can't quit!"

"Come on let's get inside." Zane said grabbing my hand and the others followed us.

We went inside where the others were waiting for us. Soon after we entered the room I was met with a hug from Nya. I hugged her back with a smile. I'm really grateful that she didn't told anyone about my real identity. After we let go we sat on our places and discussed a game plan.

"So what are we gonna do about the Overlord coming back?" Nya asked with uneasiness in her voice.

"Honestly, I don't know." I shook my head. "That's why I wanted to discuss with you guys."

"I don't know either! I mean Lloyd defeated him once and he came back. Then Zane sacrificed himself and now he is back again! I'm so confused!" Jay shouted already in his panicked state.

"Jay will you calm down?" Kai asked annoyed by Jay's childish acts. "Freaking out about this won't solve anything."

Actually Kai is right. I guess he changed while I was gone. I remember Kai being this reckless teenagers but he have grown up to be reasonable young man.

"Well considering that me and Zane killed him the last times, he will probably go after us first." Lloyd said and I got all scared.

I don't want to lose Zane again. Not after I got him back. I can't imagine living in a world where he doesn't exist. I felt my hand being taken. I turned to see Zane holding my hand tightly. He probably saw how worried I was. I squeezed his hand back.

"Even if it's like that we will not let him get you." Cole said and Lloyd gave him a grateful smile.

"Can't we ask someone about something that can stop the Overlord?" Kyle asked.

"If only master Wu was here..." Jay said and the mood drastically changed.

"What do you mean by 'if he was here'?" I asked

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