Chapter 15: Risking it all

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Pixal's POV

"Do you really have to go?" Sun-Young sobbed, not wanting to let me go.

I am in the girl's room packing my stuff. Well, I was trying to pack my stuff but it's hard with Sun-Young wrapped around me. Me and Lucas are leaving to America today and everyone is sad about it. I'm sad about it too but this is the only way and I already accepted it.

"Sun-Young, we talked about it." I said, turning to her. Seeing my self-proclaimed sister sad is very painful to me but I know that there is no way I can calm her down. "I must go back, even though I don't want to either."

"Then don't. Talk to your boss and tell him that you want to stay " Sun-Young suggested but I dismissed her idea.

"It won't do anything. The boss is a hard one. Once he say something, it needs to be done."

Sun-Young sighed in disappointment. She let me go and looks me in the eyes. "I know, I know but I will miss you." She sniffed.

"I will miss you as well. I know that we weren't in the best terms when we met but I really grew fond of you. I really accepted you as my sister and nothing will ever change that." I put my hand on her shoulder. "Never."

Sun-Young dried her tears and hugged me again, this time with a smile on her face. "Thank you Pix, for everything." She buried her head on my shoulder.

We stood like this for a while and after we let go I continued to pack. Someone knocked on the door after a while and Sun-Young went to get it. "Oh, hey Nya." She said with a smile.

Nya went inside and smiled at me. "Hey, Zane told me that he is waiting outside for you. He said that it's something important." Nya said.

"But what about-"

"Don't worry, we will pack your stuff. Go to him!" Nya said and pushed me outside the room, slamming the door behind me.

With a shrug, I went inside to meet with Zane. He was awaiting me... in his regular clothes. When he saw me coming he smiled.

"You actually came." He said, surprised.

"Of course." I flashed him a smile. "Besides Nya pushed me out of the room, so I didn't had a choice." I said, making him chuckle.

"I need to thank her for that."

"Okay, what is so important to make me leave the packing?" I crossed my arms.

He didn't say anything, he just grabbed my hand and dragged me down the many stairs. When we reached down, there was his car awaiting for us. I looked at Zane with curiosity but he just pushed me in and he soon joined me, sitting on the driver's seat. What's the deal with people pushing me somewhere today? Anyway, we soon arrived in the middle of the forest. That is just weird!

I looked at Zane. "What are we doing in the middle of a forest?"

"It's a surprise." He booped my nose, making me snort in annoyance.

He left the car and opened the door for me. He took my hand and helped me stand. Then he started dragging me deeper into the forest. We soon arrived at the most beautiful place I have ever seen. We are on top of a grassy hill and in front of us was a waterfall. On the grass is awaiting us a picnic blanket and lots of food.

"Wow, did you make all of this alone?" I turned to Zane and looked into his beautiful blue eyes.

"No, I had help from Nya with the cooking, while I set this place just for the two of us." He took my hands in his, a sad smile on his face. "I want to make our last hours together unforgettable. Just you, me and the beautiful view of the nature surrounding us."

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