Chapter 4: A friendly hangout

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Zane's POV

I can't believe she did that! How can Sun-Young come here after she was five years absent from my life?! On top of that she gifted me flowers. I thought I was supposed to do that. I paced back and fourth in frustration. Cole was with me in my room trying to calm me down.

"Will stop doing pacing around? It's making me feel dizzy."

"Sorry Cole." I stood in one place. "I'm just so mad at her!"

"What do you have against marriage, anyway?"

"Well if marriage is so great, why don't you marry her?" I asked him a little harshly than I intended.

"I have standards you know." He admitted, looking at the flowers. "Even though I would like my future girlfriend to gift me flowers."

"Exactly. The flowers are the problem." I said as I looked at them.

"The woman is coming to see her fiancé, what other do you expected?" Cole asked, confused about my strange behaviour. "Should she have whielded her sword, or brought out her gun?"

In the mention of guns, I remember the day I met Penelope on the roof. Gosh, I can't stop thinking about her since then. Every night she is haunting my dreams. Also our first official meeting on the boat made me realize that I don't want Sun-Young...

I want her.

"I wonder what she is doing now?" I whispered to myself but Cole heard it.

"Probably getting drunk because you broke her feelings. Sun-Young is–" he stopped mid-sentence "Oh, you mean Penelope." I nodded.

Cole gasped. "Don't tell me you have the hots for her?"

"Y-you could say that..." I admitted a little blush on my face.

"Zane, I think you need to clear your system." Cole stood up grabbing my face in his hands. "You can't be in love with a foreigner." I pushed him off me. "Why not?"

"We still don't know if she is on our side."

"We practically have the same enemy Cole."

"Just because we have the same enemy, doesn't make her our comrade." Cole said sternly. "You need to accept it even though you don't want to."

Cole left my room and I layed on my bed, sighing in frustration. Why can't Cole accept that Penelope doesn't want to hurt us. She has the most gentle soul and when her dark eyes lit up by the sunlight she is extremely beautiful.

I sighed softly while thinking about her. Even though I met her 2 days ago, I know that she is the right one for me. She is just so different from Sun-Young. Yet, I fear that I'm taking things fast. She can't be in love with me. Penelope is so much different from me too. I don't deserve someone like her.

There was a knock on my door. I groaned in frustration. It's probably Cole but I still asked. "Who is it?"

"Um, Zane it's me. Nya."

I sighed in relief. Good thing it's not Cole. I love my friend but he can be pain in my ass sometimes. At least she can give me a girl advice.

"Come in." Nya came in the room, smile on her face. "You have a letter." She gave it to me.

I opened it and read it with zero interest. Like I expected it's from Sun-Young. She asking me to meet her in the hotel she is staying. I hope it's not the same as the one Penelope is staying in. I don't want her to see me with Sun-Young. I guess, I will see what she wants. Maybe I can convince her to cancel the wedding.

~Guns, Glory, Sad Ending~ (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now