Chapter 2: A mysterious woman

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Zane's POV

There is something crazy going on today. First a mysterious woman and her friends came in Skylor's restaurant. And man, she was very peculiar. She reminded me of someone very much but I just can't say from where. After I rebuilt myself most of my memories were wiped. I'm glad that my friends reminded me of who I am but they never mentioned an Asian woman. I may not know who she is but I feel somehow connected with her.

Then while I was chasing the guy with the mask, a stranger came in the way and went after me. Who was this person and why we have the same enemy? On top of that, he pointed a gun in my face. If the people didn't shouted at us I'm pretty sure that I was gonna bite the dust.

Suddenly the lights in the street stopped. Just great! People around me started to rant about the lights being off. I didn't listened so I just continued on my way to the monastery. While I passed a person,the smell of gunpowder filled my senses. I looked behind me and I saw her. The woman from Skylor's restaurant. She also looked at me and just as then the lights came back.

I'm absolutely stunned. Her determined dark eyes, shining in the light and her dark brown hair waved at the gentle breeze. Why such a gorgeous woman will have this kind of occupation. I have so many questions.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" She said, the determination in her voice as strong as in her eyes.

"W-why were you on the roof? Searching for the masked guy."

"This information is private for you mister Ice ninja. Why do you need to know?" The woman asked, her voice strong and fierce.

"Who are you, strange woman?"

"This information is also private. You will be in danger if you know." She sighed

"Why so?" I asked, as I got a little bit annoyed. "I am asking you again... Who are you?"

"If I told you, I need to kill you." She said. "And I absolutely don't want to do this to you."

Just as I was about to ask another question, Cole came and he was very worried.

"Thank goodness you are alright. Why are you-" He cut himself when he saw the mysterious woman.

"Oh, um who are you?" Cole asked

"Why does everyone need to know my name?" The woman whispered to herself, even though me and Cole both heard it.

"So you don't want to tell us, fine. Come on Zane, you should stop paying attention to foreigners and come back with me." Cole tugged on my gi's sleeve. "Oh and help her. She is probably lost in here." He added as he glared at the woman.

He escorted me to the monastery. I gave one last look at the Asian woman talking with some random citizens. She looked back at me and we stared at eachother again.

'Who are you mysterious woman.' I thought to myself


"What the hell happened out there Zane?" Cole asked

The whole ninja team was here, waiting for me to explain. I'm really not in the mood for it but they are my teammates and need to know.

Even though I can't stop thinking about the mysterious woman. Her choice of clothes may not be the best but wow, she is gorgeous! I wonder why she can't tell me. I don't even know what to think of her. Is she an enemy or is she a comrade?

"I-I don't know. While I was chasing for the masked person I encountered the woman you saw Cole. Then she pointed her riffle at me and she was probably gonna kill me. Then the lights got off and I couldn't see anything. When I smelled the gunpowder, I turned and realized she was the one in there." I explained

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