Chaper 12: Waiting For You

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A/N: I'm finally back to editing this story.

Zane's POV

Me and Sun-Young just arrived in the hospital. We searched for the others and we saw them in front of a room. Nya went up to us and gave me a huge hug.

"What happened? Why is she here?" I asked, I was out of breath.

"Master Wu's tea only helped her only partly. Penelope is overheating a lot and her insides are burning up." Nya explained to me but I blocked her out. I only started at the empty wall.

"Her dents and cuts were pretty deep, she is in hibernation mode and the doctors don't know how to wake her up." Nya explained while erasing her tears.

Sun-Young gasped next to me and she started crying. I saw Nya giving hug to Sun-Young while I just continued to stare and the wall.

"Can we see her now?" I asked

"Yeah but she will probably not wake up soon." Lloyd said, sorrow in his voice.

"It's fine. I just want to see her." I said as I opened the door.

It was the same hospital room she was in last time. I got same old chair and put it next to her. I grabbed her hand and gave it a squeeze. Even though Penelope looked fine in the outside, inside was a whole new story.

"Why is it always you?" I asked while rubbing her hand. "Why can't it be me instead."

I couldn't help but tear up again. I brought up her hand and put it on my cheek. I sobbed quietly, pouring my feelings. Her hand was warm this time but it was also burning against my metal skin. She must be burning inside.

"You may be in hibernation mode but I know you can still hear me. I want you to know that we are going to be together forever," I sniffed and then continued. "I gave up my powers so I can be an American soldier, just like you."

I was sobbing uncontrollably, I was hurting too much. I was interrupted by a nurse coming in the room. I looked at her with tearful eyes. The nurse looked at me with sad expression.

"Is she your girlfriend?" The nurse asked and I just nodded. "I'm sorry to see you here with her. If anything you two should be happy together."

"Thank you for your words. If you don't mind me asking, is there a reason you speak like that?"

"My husband is currently in this hospital." The nurse said while checking Penelope's vitals. "He has lung cancer."

"Oh, I'm sorry about that."

"No, it's fine." The nurse smiled sadly. "At least your girlfriend's vitals are strong and her body is starting to cool down."

"That is most welcome news." I said while rubbing Penelope's hands. "What about her wounds?"

"They are already patched up, sadly we couldn't do anything about the face and burnt scar on her arm."

"They are old scars that can't be cured. She has been trough a lot." I smiled sadly.

"Well I will leave you two alone now." The nurse said as she went for the door.

"I hope your husband will be okay too." The nurse left the room and I returned my gaze to Penelope.

"Did you heard that sweetheart, you are going to be fine." I said while storking her soft hair.


Five days later, Penelope still didn't woke up. The doctors couldn't help, the only thing we could do was to wait for her to wake up. This time I was the one to stay by her side. I haven't slept ever since Penelope got in here. It was fine for me because I'm a nindroid.

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