Chapter 8: The Reveal

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Zane's POV

This past weekend was very peaceful. Maybe that's because Jay and Nya are on a honeymoon. It is also very boring. Right now Kai and Lloyd are trying to beat Jay's record while he is gone but they don't have the best luck. Like usual Cole is in the kitchen eating his leftover cake from yesterday. I was in the monastery's yard racking the leaves.

While I was doing so, I couldn't stop thinking about Penelope. I haven't seen her since the wedding and it was kind of a bummer. I understand her though because she is working so hard finding the killer of her father. We haven't talked much but Penelope did mention something about finding a clue about his whereabouts.

I just finished my work and decided to take a minute, looking at the murals on the monastery's wall. They were very beautiful and were symbolic about our adventures as a team. There were the serpentine, master Chen, Morro and his ghosts and so much more. I was thinking of inviting Penelope in the monastery, so she can see them. She would love to see all our amazing adventures.

"Hey Zane, your phone is ringing!" I heard Kai shout from inside.

I went to the game room and looked at the person who called me. It was Kyle and strangely have a bad feeling about this. I picked up and his worried voice confirms my worries.

"Zane you need to come at the hospital, fast. Penelope is hurt!"

I felt my world spinning around me. I was all shocked and I don't know what to say. I dropped my phone at the floor, luckily there was a carpet and made the fall softer. Lloyd grabbed me by the shoulders and started shaking me. There were tears in my eyes.

"Zane, what happened?! Snap out of it!" Kai said as he closed the phone for me.

"I need to go, sorry."

Just as that I pushed Lloyd away from me and started running to the hospital. My tears were falling on my face. I don't care if people start talking about it, I just want to know that Penelope is safe. I can't imagine my life without her being in it. Ever since I met her, I'm so much happier and when we danced at Jay and Nya's wedding I realized that I'm in love with her.

When I arrived at the hospital, Kyle was on the entrance. I instantly ran forward to him. When I looked at him, he was crying too. I roughly grabbed him by the shoulders.

"Kyle, how is she? Is she alright?" I asked, my tears continuing to fall.

"I-I don't know but she is currently in a surgery." Kyle said but there was something odd about his behavior, but I didn't cared about this.

"Okay but what happened?"

"I don't know, Sun-Young was the one who found her like that and took her here."

What the hell was Sun-Young doing where Penelope was? I knew that they are friends but I didn't expected her to get to her aid.

"Where is Sun-Young now?" I asked while wiping my tears a little.

"She is waiting outside the surgery room with Lucas." Kyle signed. "Let's go so she can explain everything to you."

I got anxious with every step. I really hope that Penelope will be alright. I can't lose her now, not after everything we did together. We arrived where Sun-Young and Lucas were. Sun-Young had her face in her hands while Lucas was next to her with tears in his eyes. Lucas then looked at me with sad eyes.

"Zane, you are here." He said softly and Sun-Young looked at me. She instantly stood up and hugged me tightly. I couldn't help but wrap my arms around her too. "I'm so, so sorry!" Sun-Young sobbed on my shoulder.

"You shouldn't be, by what Kyle told me you were the one who found her." I sobbed back to her.

"Yeah, I did." She let go off me and looked me at the eyes.

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