Chapter 16: Strange Power

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Cryptor's POV

"What do you mean by that she didn't left?!" The Overlord yelled from his throne.

"It's the stupid former Ice Ninja. If he didn't proposed to," I cleared my voice. "Pixal she would have left."

"So you are telling me the lovebirds are getting married." The Overlord smirked and I got a little scared.

"Not right now of course but I am pretty sure that they will wait until the war is over." I said.

The Overlord chuckled maniacally. "I think it's time to show the Korean girl what grave mistake she did."

The Overlord stood from his throne and motioned for me to come. With a confused look I followed him to the basement. The Overlord entered the code for the hidden door. When it opened, we were met by millions numbers of stone statues. They were made of vengestone and frozen, waiting for their commander to awaken them.

The Overlord raised his hands in the air. A dark magic spread from his hands and he shot his powers at the statues, awakening them. The now alive statues turned to their master and saluted at him.

"My army.." The Overlord whispered in pleasure. He then cleared his voice and continued. "Listen to me. Today we are starting the invasion of Ninjago City. I want you to hunt me down the Green and former Ice Ninja and kill everyone that comes in your way."

The vengestone army took their weapons and started marching down the mountain. I turned to the Overlord and saw a huge nasty smile on his face.

"What are we going to do about the Korean one?" I asked feeling a little scared.

Deep down, I feel terrible working for the Overlord again. I have always considered Pixal as my sister. I know that she made me evil but that was only because she was controlled by the Overlord. I never really wanted to be evil, I wanted to be like the original Nindroid, to have people who I can call a family.

"As I said, she will probably die. Her desire to protect her lover boy will cost her life." The Overlord turned his back to me as we got back to his throne room.

"What if it doesn't have to be this way? I am sure that somehow I can turn her to our side." I suggested but this my thought made the Overlord angry.

"How dare you suggest we have this pesky droid on our side!" The Overlord screamed in my face.

I closed my eyes out of fear. I felt the Overlord's dark powers on my face. I thought that he was going to punch me but I felt an explosion behind me. I opened my eyes and looked at the wall and had a huge hole in it.

"The next time you suggest something stupid to me and the hole in the wall will be on your face." The Overlord sat angrily on his throne and looked at me.

"Now make yourself useful and come massage my feet as a punishment." He said, raising his feet in the air.

With a pained sigh I went to my punishment. I hope that the Ninja and Pixal know what they are doing.


Pixal's POV

The streets of Ninjago City are quite. Far more quite for my liking. It was a full week since me and Lucas are not in the Marine Corps. The American legation was already broken down and there was an empty space on it's place. At least as a sign of graditute, our former boss let use have our enchanted rifles. I was more happy that I have mine, since this belonged to great-grandfather. It was the only thing I have left from my family.

Today was another day as usual. Or at least I though it was before I was awoken by somebody jumping on me. I opened my eyes to be met by none other than an excited Nya. "Happy anniversary of you coming back!" She yelled in my face.

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