Chapter 13: Struggles

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Pixal's POV

After a whole night full of celebration, Sun-Young was over the moon to show me where all the girls sleep. Nya and Skylor had amused grins on their faces. Sun-Young practically dragged me in the girls' room and I couldn't help but laugh at her childish acts.

It looks quite amazing to be honest. It had for beds and they were in specific colour. All four walls were in different colour. One was orange, other gray, other white and one purple. The room also had a storage room, full of weapons and clothes.

"Do you like it?" Skylor asked, crossing her arms. "I love it!" I smiled and Sun-Young led me to my bed. I was surprised how they know that I like purple.

"I personally choose the cover's colour." Sun-Young said, feeling proud of her work. "I also painted the wall purple all by myself."

"She actually had a help from Cole." Nya whispered in my ear and I giggled. However Sun-Young heard her and started whining. "It was a little help!" Sun-Young said, eagerly.

"Okay whatever." Skylor rolled her eyes and lead me to the storage room.

It was divided into four sectors and each had a badge with a name, however mine badge was empty. "We didn't knew which name you prefer so we let you to decide." Skylor said, handing me a black permanent marker.

With a small smile I wrote the name "Penelope Choi". I don't know why but I feel like that was my name all along. Me as "Pixal Borg" is long gone by now. I used to be that emotionless robot who was made only to assist. Then I became what I am today and I realized that going to America was the best thing that ever happened to me...

I got to discover who I am.

"Thank you for your hospitality girls." I said, outstretching my hands for a hug.

"Aww, group hug!" Sun-Young hugged me first, followed by Skylor and Nya. When we pulled away, I smiled at the girls. "Thank you again girls."

"Don't mention it, you are part of the family now." Nya punched my arm playfully.


I thought living with the ninja will be great,

But I was deadly wrong.

It couldn't be more chaotic. I thought the ninja grew up to be responsible people but they act like children. Not to mention they have a strange lightning chicken. I mean, who wants to own something like this.

This morning I woke up from Jay's shouting. He is fighting over a towel with Kai. I squeezed my eyes and tried to muffle the shouting with my pillow. I groaned and I heard a giggle from the other side of the room.

I opened my eyes and saw Nya staring at me. "Is it like this every morning?" I asked but Nya continued to laugh. "You have no idea." Nya said in between laughs.

"Ugh, these guys don't know when to quit!" Sun-Young complained and suddenly she stood up."I will give them a piece of my mind!" She opened the door. "Hey, you two imbeciles, we are trying to sleep for god's sake!" Sun-Young yelled, making them shut up.

I looked over at Skylor and she was still asleep. I wonder how she can in endure all this? Even though Jay and Kai stopped, I couldn't get back to sleep so I just stood up.

"Where are you going?" Nya asked with her eyes closed.

"I will see what is Zane up to." I simply replied as I closed the door behind me.

The guys had different rooms and Zane's was closer to where we stay. I hope he is not sleeping. When I opened unfortunately, he was still in bed, sleeping peacefully. I smiled and just laid on his bed, wrapping my hands around him.

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