Epilogue: The End?

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A/N: Hey, so this is the last chapter in this book but guess what...

The story is still going on! I have decided to split this story into two different books because we are diving into a new arc for Pixal. So stay tuned to when the new book comes on.

Also it will take a while until the second part comes out because I want to focus on my other book. It is a high school story so check it if you want.

Without any further ado, let's dive into the last chapter in ~Guns, Glory, Sad Ending~!


Pixal's POV

I am in the middle of a forest. I don't know how or why I am here but it didn't felt real at all. It felt like a dream. I didn't knew where to go, I just did without thinking. Suddenly I stop in front of a lake. I looked at my reflection in the water, seeing my eyes are gold again. Then I heard some rustling in a bush. I approached the bush and behind it jumped a small deer. Poor thing is probably lost and scared.

"Hey little buddy." I said, outstretching my hand to the deer, trying to show that I won't hurt it. It sinffed my hand and then it nuzzles on my hand.

I giggle a little. The small deer stood on his legs and started running around me in circles playfully. I started giggling again as the deer pushed me a little.

"Okay, how about we find your family." I smiled at the deer. "They must be worried about you."

I don't know for how much we walked. Strangely the only thing in this forest is me and the small deer. The deer walked in front of me, still searching for it's family. We walk a little further until the small deer stops for a moment. Then out of a sudden it strated running.

"Hey, wait for me buddy!" I yell as I ran after the deer.

As I ran, questions ponder in my mind. Why I am here? And how my eyes keep glowing gold? And why is this deer so damn fast?! After a while of running, the deer stopped in front of another lake...

But this wasn't an ordinary lake, it was golden? And at the other side of the lake, a woman stood. She wore a pink dress, that matched the pink wings that sprung from her back. Her hair was braided and on her head stood pink antlers. Is she kind of a fairy? The woman saw the small deer and smiled.

"Come here, my child." The woman said.

The small deer obligated. It had a headstart and just as it was about to jump, a pair of wings grew on the deer and it landed safely next to it's owner. I gaped at the sight, not believing my eyes. The woman smiled at the deer and then her gaze turn to me.

"Oh my," She gasped and then bowed to me, showing a sign of respect. "I am glad to finally meet you Star Seeker."

Star Seeker? What the hell is a Star Seeker?

"I am sorry but I don't understand what you are talking about." I said, respectfully. "I am no Star Seeker."

The woman giggled a little. It made me even more confused.

"No dear, you are a Star Seeker allright." She said, pointing to my eyes. "Your eyes are golden, just like mine."

When she said that I finally saw that her eyes shined gold as well.
"Who are you and what do you want from me?" I asked, sternly.

"Oh, where are my maners." The woman bowed to me again. "I am Rosalie, the former Star Seeker."

"Former Star Seeker?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I have fought with the Stone Army, helping the First Spinjitzu Master in his fight with the Overlord." She explained.

As I heard Overlord's name, anger grew inside of me. He is getting on my nerves already and I can't wait to see him again so I can defeat him once and for all!

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