Cry Me a River Pt. 1

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I had the volume all the way up, with my ear buds in. My eyes are swollen from crying a big ass river. No lights were on in my hotel room, nothing but the t.v. And I'm just under the covers, crawled up in a ball.

Shit, I didn't even bring any clothes I can sleep in. Oh yea, I was too busy crying and yelling at August. All I have is my ear buds, phone, and charger. And no money. My thoughts were interrupted when the music stopped and my phone vibrated.

I looked at the screen, and August came up. Declining the call, I turned the music back on and continued to drown in my sorrows. Tonight's fight I had with him is replaying in my mind over and over again, and it just won't stop. This music isn't helping.

*Earlier: 11:42pm

I threw a glass vase at August, but he dodged it and let it hit the wall. I can't believe this nigga grinded on my "best friend" and made out with her at the club. It was all over Twitter, and I just so happened to find out.

"I don't know why you tripping, Y/N!!" he yelled.

"Nigga, I have a right to trip. Shit, it's not my fault that you lied to me. You told me you was going over a "friend's" house. But nooooooooooooo, you wanna go down low on my so called "best friend" at the club. And the fact that I found out over social media just make me wanna throw up."

I ran over to him and attacked him with punches to his face and sides left and right. He ended up falling on the floor. My left foot made hard contact with his side, making him groan really loud. August managed to get up.

"Stupid bitch!!" he yelled.

He hit me hard on my mouth, and my lip started bleeding instantly. I fell back a little.

"August, just stop!!" I heard a female's voice that I deeply recognized.

"Bitch, what the fucked you doing here?!? You caused this shit!!" I spatted at her.

"I wanted to come here before you saw anything!!" she said, on the verge of letting out those stupid tears.

"Too late, bitch. Fuck the both of you." I said.

I ran upstairs and just grabbed my phone and charger. My ear buds were plugged in my phone, but I didn't even care. Grabbing my flip flops, I ran out the room and ran down the stairs just to be stopped by the two people I used to know.

"I'm sor-" I didn't get to hear the rest of August's sentence. The door slammed behind me.

*Present 1:23am

I turned my phone off and just let it charge. There was a knock on the door, which was weird because no one knew where I was. Damn, I just got comfortable!! Groaning, I walked to the door and opened it, not even asking who it is.

But the one person I fucking hate right now is standing right in front of me.

"Hey." August said. He then looked at my busted lip.

"What are you doing here?? And how did you know I was here??"

"I tracked your phone down."

"Stalk me much." I said, rolling my eyes and closing the door. But I couldn't because August put his foot in the doorway.

"Baybeh, I'm sorry." he gave me a very sad look, but I'm not falling for that shit. I gave him a look full of attitude.

"Not you're not." I said softly.

August pulled me by my lower back and gave me a passionate kiss.

*********To be continued

August Alsina ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now