@Ashley_620 Pt. 3

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Hey guys.

I've decided to delete some more books.

And the reason why I did it was because to be be honest with you, they weren't going anywhere.

For now on, I'm going to start fresh.

I really hope you guys read this!!


"I came here to see you." August said.

He started to let himself in, but I stopped him.

"You see me. Now bye."

"Don't close the door! I also came here to talk."

This nigga really think he's gonna enter my house by just saying that.

"Well you need to make it really fucking quick because I don't have time to deal with any of your unnecessary bull shit today or any day." I said.

He sighed. "First things first, I found out that Nicole's baby isn't mine. Thank the Lord!"

Fuck Nicole.

"And second, I apologize for cheating on you. And can I come in? It's cold." he continued.

"First things first, fuck your apology. And second, no. And third, go fuck yourself August. I'm tired of crying over your sorry ass."

He got down on his knees on my porch. "Look Ashley, I miss you. I want to get back together with you. Just give me a chance. Please!"

What the fuck? I just can't help it but laugh at August. This can't be happening. He's really embarrassing himself. I'm done with him. And he's not gonna win me over with that pathetic act he's portraying.

I just can't stop laughing. He's looking at me like I'm crazy.

"What the fuck is you laughing at?!" he said, confused.

"You. And please go home. I don't wanna see you anymore."

"You can't just kick me out." he yelled.

"Don't you realize that you're already out? And please leave me the fuck alone. You're free to fuck anyone you want to. That's what you did while we were together, so go do it now."

"No! I want you!" August's fake tears started streaming down his face.

"Look Aug, this is unhealthy. Shit, the whole relationship was unhealthy! It's best for the both of us to part ways."

"How the fuck was it unhealthy?"

"I was insecure. That's very unhealthy. And second, I found out you were giving what we had to that bitch Nicole. The whole situation is unhealthy. We both really don't need that tension in our lives, especially me."

"Ashley, don't shut me o-" I cut him off.

"Bye August."

I then slammed the door in his face. Now it's time to focus on me, something I should've been doing this whole time instead of worrying about him....

August Alsina ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now