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"Baby, stop!!" I laughed. August's tickling the shit out of me.

"Not until you say 'I love you', Ash!!"

"I don't want to!!"

"Ite then...."

August lifted up my shirt further up and started tickling up my sides. I couldn't help but laugh even harder as his long ass fingers dug in my body. My shirt was lifted even more, exposing my strapless bra.

Suddenly, he stopped. I felt the urge to pull my shirt down. He knows I'm insecure about my body. And the fact that he's staring at it makes it even worse.

"What you doing??" August asked.

"Pull my shirt down, please." I demanded, without being rude.

"Why?? Your body is beautiful...."

I honestly was speechless. "W-what??"

"Ashley, don't tell me you're insecure."

I just got up off the floor and was ready to leave, until I felt his hand gently grab my arm.

"Where you going??" he asked with a confused look on his face.


"Just because I said something about you being insecure."

"Let it go, okay!!" I raised my voice.

"Why are you getting so worked up?!"

"Just let it it go!!"

"What's your problem Ashley!! Tell me!!"

"That's it, I'm leavi-" he cut me off by a lustful kiss. August's soft lips brushed against mine while he talked.

"Tell me what's wrong with you. Why you so insecure??" he lead me to the couch and we sat down.

"Answer me...."

It was hard to answer him. He was kissing my neck, and I felt his tongue swirl on my sweet spot. I couldn't help but moan. But August stopped in the middle of the best part.

"Why did you stop?!?" I said impatiently.

"Ashley, tell me why you hate yourself."

"Don't act like you don't know."

"I don't!!"

"You have all those hoes around you when you already knew I was insecure. Are you trying to test me or something??"

"No!! I just care abo-" I cut him off.

"I can't keep talking about this, I'm leaving."

That's when August started getting mad.

"Quit trying to run away. It's not like I cheated on you or anything!!" he yelled.

"Oh really, how would I know that's true??"

Then the door bell rang. I'm on my way out anyway, so why don't I open the door. Making my way to the door, I opened it and saw a beautiful girl. She looks about me and August's age. She was holding a baby. But then I realized it was my best friend Nicole. I haven't seen her in months!!

"Nicole?!" I said. She looked up at me and had a shocked and scared expression on her face. I was coming closer to her to give her a hug, but she stepped back.

"I'm so sorry, Ashley." she said while crying.

"Sorry for what??" I asked.

"For not telling you the truth about me and August...."

I was really confused about what she said. But then I looked down at the baby, which I assume is a boy because he's wrapped in a blue blanket. The baby was cute. But then I took a good look at his face.

It looks just like August.

"What's going o-" August came to the door and stopped himself. He saw Nicole and the baby.

"I'm so sorry, August!! I could've told you I was pregnant......."


Part 1 imagine for Ashley_620

August Alsina ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now