The fight

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I went to the bathroom to undo my hair and wipe my makeup off. I took my eyelashes off first. Then I grabbed a makeup wipe from the bottom drawer. I wiped off my eyeliner and eyeshadow. I took my hair out of its bun and brushed it out. I went over to my room and closed the door. I took off my dress and put it in my hamper. I grabbed Gareth's sweatshirt and put it on me. I plugged my phone in next to my bedside. I turned my light off made my cocoon in my bed and fell asleep.
Time skip
I woke up to my alarm. I got out of bed and walked to the bathroom. I went in and brushed my hair. I was felling confident today and wore my hair curly. I put it into a small ponytail. I didn't put any makeup on because I just didn't want to. I went back to my room to put some clothes on. I decided to wear Gareth's hellfire shirt the long sleeves came all the way down to my thumbs. I rolled my sleeves up so that they were a little above my wrist. I wore these tight fitting jeans with many rips in them but before I put some fishnets on so that they would show through the holes. I grabbed my combat boots and put them on. I grabbed my keys from my nightstand and went downstairs. Lucas and Erica were ready so we went out to my car and they got in. I quickly went towards the middle school to drop off Erica. I said goodbye to her and left slightly speeding. I got to the high school and went to my usual parking spot. I said my goodbyes to Lucas and left for the school.
Time skip to lunch
Lunch time is my favorite time because I get to see my favorite person for 50 minutes. I walked out from the girls bathroom to the lunch room. I walked in and saw Gareth with his friends laughing and talking about somebody. I walked over too him and put my hands over his eyes and said in a seductive tone. Guess who? Lindsey. He said excitedly. W-what. I said heartbroken. I'm just kidding love,hi. I lightly laughed and sat down next to him. So what have you been up to lately. Eddie asked me. Well I've been trying to figure out the math homework but that seems like something you don't do. I said with a hint of sass. Wow I am shattered that you would say something like that to me he said in a sarcastic tone. I laughed at him and went up to go get some lunch with Gareth. We went up to line and I grabbed a water and a kinda Cesar salad. Gareth had grabbed a turkey sandwich and a chocolate milk. We went to go sit back down when Jacob came up to me and Gareth. He went up to Gareth and asked him something. I see we both have some things in common. We both like chocolate milk. He said grabbing his milk and drinking it too. And he said aloud so that everyone could hear. We both like chocolate women he said with a smirk. Lucas got up from his seat at the jock table. He went up to Jacob and punched him square in the face. I started walking back to my seat so I wouldn't get in trouble for Jacob's actions. Gareth had set his plate down and started punching a kicking Jacob as well. Dang your boyfriend really does love you. Eddie whisper yelled to me. Suddenly Gareth Lucas and jacob were taken to the principal's office. The bell rang so I went to my English class alone. I went to class and sat in the spot I usually sit in next to Gareth. Iris can you please go to the office please. Mrs. sol asked me. Ok I said reluctantly. I got up from my seat and walked towards the office. I made it to the office and I heard a lot of boys yelling. I got in and the principal called me over and silenced the boys. So what was your point of view ms. Sinclair. Well me and Gareth were getting our lunch when Jacob comes to us and he says some very inappropriate things. And what were those things. Well he took Gareth's chocolate milk. Then he said we both like chocolate women. The principal gasped and suspended Jacob for five days. And detention until the last day of school. We all came out looking victorious except for Jacob obviously. I still had my last class and that was music. Today we were doing a test on how well we can play our instruments.  Me and Gareth walked together since we had that same class. We actually made it on time to class and we sat in our normal spots. When class began Gareth was going first playing the drums. I couldn't figure out what song he was playing but it was nice. I was next and I was playing the piano. I played nocturne's 5 I know it's played a lot but I don't care I just want an A. We had listened to everyone else play there instruments and it was time to go home. Hey iris do you think you might want to come over to my house and work on math homework with me. Wait and meet your parents. Yeah there really nice people though so they should like you. Ok sure let me find Lucas real quick. He was waiting by my car. Hey Lucas you can go home in my car I'm going with Gareth to do homework. Ok I'll tell mom and dad that. Ok thanks love you bye. Love you too. I walked back to Gareth and we were on our way to his house. He seemed more happy now that he or I didn't have to worry about Jacob anymore.

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