Sex ed

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I woke up to my alarm.  I got out of bed and went to the bathroom to do my hair. I decided to just brush through it and keep it curly. I had never done this before for school but I was feeling confident. There were 5 days left until summer break so I decided to leave it natural for the rest of the year. I still have one more year of school left but luckily I won't have it with the douchebag basketball team that we have now. I got done in the bathroom and went to my room to change. I wore a short sleeved t shirt with a pair of blue Jean shorts and fishnets underneath it.

I grabbed my phone and car keys and made my way towards the door and waited for Lucas to come out

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I grabbed my phone and car keys and made my way towards the door and waited for Lucas to come out. A few minutes later he came out and I started the car. We made it to the school he went one way I went the other I said goodbye and went to the hellfire room. I sometimes go there so I can have a quick smoke break because life is fucking stressful. I grabbed my hidden pack and grabbed my lighter and lit it blowing the smoke all around. While I was trying to relax all of a sudden Gareth and Eddie walk in. I was sitting in Eddie's "thrown". What the fuck are you doing in my chair Sinclair. Haha that rhymed I said while blowing my smoke in his face. I was stressed and needed a break. I said in a soft tone. Hey there's no reason that you don't deserve one. Eddie says reassuring me. I threw the bud on the ground and stepped on it. I knew the bell was gonna ring soon. I got up from his seat and exited the room but before I said. Goodbye my little bitches. What we are not her bitches. Eddie says annoyed. We are totally her bitches. Gareth says unamused. Fuck we totally are. They both walked out and away from each other. Gareth walked in the direction I did and Eddie the opposite. I was in the math class. I was waiting for the class to start and in walks Gareth. He takes his normal seat beside me and passes me a note. It says I'm not your bitch am I. I wrote back maybe. I handed it back. I watched as his smirk changed to a scowl. He scoffed and leaned back in his chair crossing his arms. The teacher was announcing a new project that we were doing. The teacher said that she would be randomly selecting the pairs. Ok first is Steve and carol. Next is Tom and Jessica. Gareth and Chrissy. Jason and iris. Ugh I scoffed as I realized who I had to work with. He came walking over to me. So you excited you get to work with one of your best friends. He said excitedly. Yeah I'm soooo excited I said in a sarcastic tone. Well you don't have to be so snarky about it. I chuckled at him. He could be rude at times but usually he's a somewhat good person. We both discussed what we should do for the project. The bell rang and we said our goodbyes and I walked to my next class. It was one of my newest class and it would only last the five days. It was sex education. I walked in. Ok everyone against the wall I will be showing you where you will sit. She had said the front row. Now in the middle. Steve, Chrissy, Jason,Eddie, iris and Gareth. Ok this totally could have gone worse. But hopefully Eddie and Jason don't fight. Now our first lesson will be about the importance of protection. She wrote harshly on the whiteboard. Some of the boys started snickering. Now you all get your laughs out now if I hear one giggle from the rest of any of you then it is a detention. Ok so we all know that if we don't use protection then there is a chance of std or of the women getting pregnant. There are other ways for protection like birth control. She was going on and on about the ways that you can get a girl pregnant and other stuff like that. Gareth was turning bright red and he would look at me shyly. Ok tomorrow we are going to be learning about the male body parts. The bell rang.
Time skip to lunch
I sat down after grabbing my lunch. I decided to sit with the boys today. I was sitting in between Eddie and Gareth. So Gareth. It seems that you enjoyed sex ed. it was ok it was slightly embarrassing though. Yeah it was the way you were turning bright red. Eddie said teasing him. That must have ticked Gareth off because he got up from his seat and ran off towards some other place. Eddie Munson your such a dick! I screamed everyone could hear me. I got up from my seat and ran towards Gareth. Either he went outside or he went outside or he went to the hellfire room. I checked the hellfire room first. Sure enough he was in there. He was pacing around the room. He was an over thinker 100%. He what happened out there. I don't know it's just he embarrassed me in front of all of hellfire. I mean we're all losers but it still stung. I came up to him and wrapped my arms around his neck I kissed his lips then took him in for a hug. He hugged back and I could feel a tear fall onto my cheek. I know that it's just sex Ed but he doesn't deserve to be treated like this. Just because Eddie has a crush on me doesn't mean he has to be such a bitch. I grabbed Gareth's hand and dragged him outside. I dragged him all the way to Eddie's van. I went up to the window and asked him. Eddie can you please get out I really need to ask you something. I said with a innocent look and tone. He got out and asked me. What's wrong. In a sincere way. I immediately grabbed him by the collar and brought him down to my level. Listen her Eddie if your gonna be a little bitch and make fun of MY boyfriend again I will do something way way worse. Maybe I will break your hand so you can't play guitar. He stared at me wide eyed. Now can you please apologize to Gareth. Gareth was standing there awkwardly playing with his rings trying to get himself out of the situation. I let eddie go and he walked up to Gareth. I'm sorry for embarrassing you and being rude to you during lunch it was uncalled for and I won't do it again. Before he could get into his car I grabbed his arm. And don't forget what I said or else no more guitar. I walked away from him and over to my car. Hey Iris. Yeah what's up hun. Do you think you could take me home. Of course. Lucas was waiting for me at my car. What was that with eddie. He questioned. Oh just eddie Munson being a complete douchebag again today but get in the back I'm taking Gareth home. We all got into the car and I started it. I was almost to Gareth's house. When I dropped him off he kissed me goodbye. I drove back to my house went inside and took a long awarded nap.
A/n I decide to give y'all a somewhat longer chapter since I haven't uploaded in a while. :)

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