Pep rally

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"Lucas I swear to god if you don't get your ass down here I'm leaving without you!"Erica walks in from the kitchen. "What is talking that boy so long I got to go to school too." Lucas comes running down the stairs slipping his shoes on while doing so. "Finally come on guys into the car."
  Me being me I decided to only slightly speed because we all had to get to the middle school and back to the high school, I already decided that I would be very late to the cheer practice before school.  (Let's pretend that iPhones were around then). "Lucas can you text Chrissy that I'm going to be late for practice." "Okay I guess that's the one thing I can do on time." I quickly said goodbye to Erica and speed off towards the high school.
  Good thing that we  would not be too late to practice but I would definitely have to run extra laps. I parked into a spot very close to the school and we both ran inside the school. Lucas went one way and I went the other. I wasn't paying attention and accidentally ran into a boy knocking all the things out of his hands. "Shit shit shit shit I'm so sorry let me help you." I was frantically picking up the loose papers that had fallen when I looked up I saw an unfamiliar face. I finished picking up the papers and went to ask him something. "Um sorry to be weird but what's your name." "Um I-it's G-Gareth." Gareth cursed himself so many times in his head being awkward around the very beautiful girl. "Oh shit im sorry I really am but I gotta go im going to be hella late if I don't leave now." "O-ok s-see you later." He awkwardly smiles at her. I practically running through the halls to get to the practice room. I walked in and automatically everyone noticed. "Sinclair where have you been." "Im sorry I had to drop off my sister and my brother was taking too long im really really sorry." "This is your final warning Sinclair one lap around the gym." I mentally screamed and started running. I finished running and went to my spot next to Chrissy. "Where were you really, because I know it does not take that long for you to take your siblings to school." Chrissy whisper yelled. "There's a lot to say I will tell you later." Chrissy nodded at me. We ran through the choreography one more time before we go out. We went back into the locker room. We have a 15 minute break before we have to do our routine in front of all of Hawkins high. "So are you gonna tell me what happened." Chrissy said sounding kind of suspicious. "Okay so I was going to make it somewhat on time when I ran into this guy I think his name was Gareth but he was so cute." "I think I know who your talking about I think he is one of Eddie Munsons friends." "At this point I don't care he was fucking hot. "Oh god we have like 30 seconds let's get ready."We came running out all giddy like we actually wanted to be here. A ways in they had to flip me in the air and catch me. They did it successfully and it made me feel better that I didn't have to do it anymore. We finished our little dance then we sat down in our spots at the bleachers. Now at Hawkins they have double bleachers which are when there are bleachers on each side. Lucky for me the cute guy was sitting on the opposite side of me and I had just realized that he had been watching my every move. Once me and him made eye contact and I winked at him. I looked away then back and he was hiding his flustered face. It made me laugh. "What so funny?" Chrissy asked. "That guy I was talking about was hardcore staring at me." I pointed him out to Chrissy. "Oh my god you were right he is cute." ———————————————-
The next day
I was eating lunch with robin and her friends because I didn't really feel like talking about the championship game for 50 minutes. All of a sudden Eddie Munson jumps on the table and starts mocking all the high school stereotypes. I thought it was funny about what he said about basketball so did robin. The bell rang meaning that I had to go to my favorite class English. I walked in and realized my choices either I would sit in the front which is always a no then there was Jacob marshal who is a raging douche bag, and then there was Gareth. I thought my choices through and I decided the best decision. I walked towards Jacob and he started smirking then I walked straight passed him and sat right next to Gareth. Jason even looked shocked. Chrissy in the other hand was silently giving me a high five. I looked over towards Gareth and saw him frantically scratching something off the desk and when he stopped I saw a faint G+I in a heart. I smirked at him and he slowly sunk in his desk while looking away from me. I kicked him on the foot. He looked up at me his face was red and his freckles were so vivid and his glowing blue eyes almost put me in a trance. I shoved a piece of paper into his hand. It said I think your pretty adorable with a heart that said G+I. The bell rang and he ran out of there as fast as he could. I walked over towards Chrissy and told her what happened. "Aww that's adorable you guys would be so cute." Chrissy squealed very loud. Jacob came rushing over. "Are you lady's talking about me." He wrapped his arm around my shoulder. "Ugh in your fucking dreams marshal." I threw his arm off my shoulder. "Hey what's the matter babe you know you want to be with me I mean everybody does." Oh my god get away from me!" "Oh come on." He grabs my chin and tilting it towards his face. Out of no where someone comes up and shoved Jacob out of the way and he hits his back hard against the wall. It was Gareth. "She said no dude you gotta respect boundaries and don't touch her- I mean any girl like that every again you got that." He says in a very demanding tone. Jacob gulps yeah. "Now get out of here." I look at Chrissy with a shocked expression and we look back but Gareth was gone.

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