Sheet faced

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I've been in school now for about a week and it was the day of the party. I left the bathroom after finishing my morning routine. I walked to my closet to find an outfit for today. I decided on a gray sweater and a pair of blue jeans with a black belt.

I didn't have to take Erica today so I grabbed my phone and keys and walked down the stairs

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I didn't have to take Erica today so I grabbed my phone and keys and walked down the stairs. Lucas was gone as well so I walked out the house and into my car. I started it and was on my way to the school. I made it there and parked next to Gareth's car. I walked into the school and into my first class. Billy was already there seeming to try and find someone. He spotted me while I was walking to my seat. "Hey iris good morning your still ok for tonight right". "As I have said everyday yes I'm still good for tonight". He laughed at me and gave me a nod. The teacher came in and took all of our homework. She stopped at billy. "Mr Hargrove being new is not an excuse for not doing your homework meet me after class". He nodded and looked away. She started talking about random reading stuff and I was writing notes about it. I could see out of the corner of my eye that billy was checking me out. I rolled my eyes at this and continued what I was doing. The bell rang and everyone got up. I was about to walk out and Mrs. O'Donnell asked me over. "Since mr Hargrove is not doing his homework and is behind in his study's I was wondering if you would be willing to tutor him". "Yeah sure". "Ok that's all I needed now you guys may go". I walked out of there with billy right behind me.
~Time skip~
I was walking to my last class of the day before lunch. It was my chemistry class. I usually sit with Gareth in the middle but someone else sat next to me. It was billy. "Hey iris"! I nodded at him showing that class was starting. He took the hint and shut up. Gareth walked in next and he was shocked that billy was sitting in his spot. I gave him an apologetic look and he nodded at me. He sat a row behind us. Later into the class billy leaned over and held onto my shoulder he whispered softly into my ear. "Do you have a pen". "Yeah here". I reached into my bag and grabbed one. He purposely brushed his fingers against mine as he took it. I could feel Gareth's eyes burning into the back of my head. The class ended and it was time for lunch. I walked to my locker and grabbed my lunch bag and regular bag. I walked into the cafeteria and sat next to Gareth. Gareth looked kinda pissed and didn't even hug me or say hi. Dustin randomly said. "Trouble in paradise huh". "Oh shut up Dustin". Gareth screamed. He grabbed ahold of my hand and dragged me behind the lunch room. "What's up with you and billy he obviously likes you and everything". "Nothings going on". "On my part at least". "Well could you at least slow down the interactions with him". "I can try but I am his tutor so other than that I'll try and stop talking to him". "And I get to show you off at the party tonight". "Wait what am I wearing"? "You'll just have to wait and see". I grabbed his face and gave him a quick kiss. "Okay let's go back now so we can eat". He agreed and we walked back. We finished eating and I threw away my trash and headed out to my car. I got in and started the car. I got home and I said hi to mom and went upstairs. I grabbed my homework out of my bag and started working on it. After I had finished it was getting late so I texted Gareth to come over. A couple minutes later he was here so I went downstairs and opened the door for him. I grabbed his wrist and dragged him upstairs to show him what we were wearing. First though I had to do his makeup. "Ok sit down on the chair I have to put some makeup on you". He sat down and I grabbed my eyeshadow pallet and started putting blotches of brown dirt on his face. After I was down he got up and watched me put on my own makeup. I put on bright red lipstick and a black spot on my eye. I also put on some mascara. I showed Gareth what we were wearing and he was obsessed with it. He put on a pair of blue jeans and a white shirt. He then put on red suspenders and a red firefighter hat. I put on a white dress with black dots all over it and black boots with some cute dog ears. Also a red choker

Gareth grabbed onto my waist and looked into my eyes

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Gareth grabbed onto my waist and looked into my eyes. "Wow we look hot". "Yeah we do". I kissed him on the lips and we walked downstairs. I had to take Lucas with too and I gotta say I loved his costume. He wore a cute Boy Scout outfit and he was going with a girl and she was wearing a peacock outfit from the movie up. It was so adorable.

We all got into the car and I made my way towards the house

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We all got into the car and I made my way towards the house. Once we got there I had a quick chat with Lucas about drinking. He was upset at me but he dealt with it. Me and Gareth walked in and he was holding onto my waist tightly. We walked outside and I saw billy doing the keg challenge. Gareth let go of me and u walked over to him. When he was done he got off and spit it out sticking his tongue out. He saw me and came walking over pushing his "friends" away. He hugged me tightly. "Damn iris your lookin fine"! He yelled it and I knew Gareth heard. "But I don't understand it are you just a dog like"? "Oh actually- "she's here with someone else. Gareth grabbed onto my waist holding me next to him. "Iris who is this". Billy asked. "Billy meet Gareth my boyfriend". "Ah I see now firefighter and his dog cute." He said bluntly. "Yeah um we were going to go get some drinks if you want to come with us"? "Nah I'm good but I'll come dance later". Me and Gareth left and went to the drinks table. I grabbed a cup of the punch and sipped it. It was so strong and Gareth made a face. Gareth stated by the drinks while I started dancing to the music they had on. Suddenly I feel two muscular arms grip onto my waist pulling me towards them. I thought it was Gareth so I started to grind and shake my ass on them. "Sweetheart keep doing that and see what happens". Shit it was billy. I quickly turned around. "What the fuck billy you can't just go up to some random person and touch them"! "You seemed to enjoy it". He said with a smirk. Gareth came up rushing behind me and slamming his fist onto Billy's cheek. "WOAH HES GOT SOME POWER"! Billy yelled while spitting blood out of his mouth. Gareth tackled him to the ground and started punching his face. Billy got ahold of the power and flipped him and Gareth was now be plummeted by Billy's punches. I pushed my way through the growing crowd and went up to billy and kicked him hard in the side of his stomach. He fell off Gareth and I took this chance to grab Gareth's hand and drag him through the crowd then quickly out the door. Billy started to run after us. I quickly opened the door and we both got. I locked it right as billy got to the car. I flipped him off as I drove away. We both looked at each other. "That was hot". We said in unison. I pulled over on the side of the road. I leaned over and kissed every bruise and scratch that he got from the fight. He smiled at me. "Do you think we could stay the night at my place tonight". "Yeah let me just text my mom real quick". I finished and started driving to Gareth's. We made it to his house and I parked in his driveway. We slowly walked in and walked upstairs to his bathroom. I sat him down on the toilet. I grabbed the first aid kit from his cabinet. I grabbed the alcohol and putting some on a pad so I can add some onto his wounds. "Ok baby this is gonna hurt a bit so hold onto my hand". He grabbed it softly but once I put some on his forehead he gripped on pretty tight. He had a couple bad scratches that I covered up with some bandaids. He had a busted lip as well but that would  just have to heal on its own. After I was done cleaning him up we went to his room and we put on matching plaid pajama pants. He also bought us these for my birthday. I just put on his hellfire shirt and he was just shirtless. I walked over to his bed and just fell on it. He layed down in it too. He grabbed onto my waist lifting me up a little bit to put me under the covers. He started to place small and delicate kisses onto my neck tickling me a little bit. I turned around and just rested my forehead on his just enjoying the silence. I set my head in the crook of his neck while laying on top of him. He rested his hands on my ass and I could hear slight snores coming from him. I smiled into his neck and fell asleep.

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