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I woke up with the worst headache to ever have, I shouldn't have stayed up late night with the work. But what to do my boss is such a pain in my life that he wants me to handle all the clients, I am sure I've made him a fortune. He is a old man in his early sixties and  treats me as his own child, but he is too professional when it comes to work. He is strict most of the time towards me mainly. But he helps me in everything indirectly, he doesn't show his nature that's all.

I was just about to get up from my bed when I heard my mother yelling at me "come down, you stupid girl". If you are thinking this is some sweet motherly yelling, then you are totally mistaken. She called me to inform that my father is waiting for me to talk about something. And I am already scared what the issue is. 

As I was opening my door knob, my dear brother came and stood their smirking at me. And I can totally say from the looks of it that I am gone case today. "go down and get a earful go. Go" he said shooing me down the stairs.

"here comes the princess, welcome her Amrita" my father said to mother in a irritated voice. "did I do something" I asked which came out as a whisper. "that's the problem dear, you didn't do anything" he said making me confused. Looking at my confused face he continued "why did you still not transfer this month's amount, how many times should I tell you to do it before hand itself." then I realized I have not transferred my salary to him this month. "I am sorry father, I forgot to do it, will not be late next time" I told still scared of what he will do next. "did you forget to eat, did you forget to sleep, did you forget to work, then why did you forget this huh. So don't you think you deserve a punishment Vaishali. let me think today is the day you are joining that college right " he said raising his voice at me. My mother and brother were just watching this scene and didn't even say a word or should I say enjoying the scene.

"I am really sorry, I forgot it by mistake and this will not happen next time. Please don't cancel my college plan. I've been working very hard for it and I already told You that after doing my MBA, I will get better pay than what I am receiving now. If you want I will transfer the salary now itself" I said scared that he might really do what he told and took my phone and transferred 5 lakhs to him in the instant.

I relaxed when there was a ping sound on his phone indicating that money has been transferred to his account. He checked the message and calm down. Then he came towards me and held my jaw tightly making me look at his face and said "I am letting you go this time. Don't think that I will spare you next time, this Vasudev will not spare you next time if this behavior continues. understood." My eyes were already brimmed with tears and I was not able to answer him. Seeing me not answering him, his grip on my jaw tightened. I nodded my head in approval and the tears in my eyes ran over my cheeks effortlessly.

He finally left me saying "Good, now go to your room and get ready we will be leaving in a hour  to the college for joining you there" I ran to my room and took out clothes from my wardrobe and went to the bathroom to freshen up.

I turned on the shower and let those hot droplets fall on my skin. My cries were not stopped still now. I don't know if those were tears or water from the shower. I stayed there for some more time thinking how my life will change after joining there and getting the degree so I can start a company of my own and I have to no more pay my father like I am some worker. but workers in this house are treated better than me. Mother never said any soothing words for comforting me, she never supported me and was always on father's side. and Vikram my brother is just a idiot, he comes to me only when he needs money, he works in father's company but I am sure he doesn't know a thing about his work. 

After realizing I've been in the shower for too long. I turn off the tap and go to my room. I looked in the mirror and can see a girl whose looks indicate only one thing elegance. I may look like a kind person to everyone but they didn't know what I face in this hell like house. I ignored all my thoughts and got ready in a white kurta. I didn't wear any makeup not because I don't like it, but because I don't know how to wear it. I tried watching some YouTube tutorials and did it on my face but ended up looking like a clown. The only thing I do better is eyeliner, but in this also I can draw perfectly on one eye but worst on the other eye. so I dropped this idea also and applied some moisturizer and a lip gloss. And finally I was done and went down and saw all my luggage placed being placed in the car.

i could see that vikram and mother were already there and father was coming out of his bedroom with keys in his hands. I told them long before that I can go to Bangalore on my own. But they were reluctant to send me alone and they would be accompanying me. when they told me this I was happy that they care about me and they will miss me but then I came to know that they are accompanying me because my father wants to meet the dean for his business purpose. But I highly doubt it is not about any business.

we all sat in the car and vikram started the engine. I was sitting beside him. Father and Mother were sitting in the back. As we came out of the mansion gate I looked back at the house for the last time and a smile came on my face thinking about how I spent my childhood here in Delhi. I lowered the window glass to get a better view but It was going up, I again pressed he button to lower it and again it was going up, confused i heard my brother telling "don't play and wreck the window vaishali, this is not your car" this statement gained a glare from me and mother was taunting me telling" Vikram what does she know about cars, I am sure she doesn't even know the model of the car we are going in, wait do u at least know where brakes are?" I was about to reply when my father said to stop quarrelling and glared at me as if I was the culprit.

i was still confused how did the window go up on its own, then i saw vikram grinning as if he has achieved something, then it hit me that he used the buttons on the steering wheel to up the windows, this good for nothing creature.

we were finally in the airport waiting for the plane, it was delayed for 20 minutes and of course mother scolded telling me it was because of me and i didn't see the boarding time properly. like seriously am I the pilot .

everyone were waiting in the lounge area, vikram was sitting next to me and opposite to me father and mother were sitting. then I heard a vibration and looked at them to see whose phone was ringing, when none of them took out their phones I realized it was mine. And excused myself to attend the call. But mother asked me to stay and pick it up in front of them only. As if I had a boyfriend in my life. leave boyfriend I didn't have a friend during all my school life. Sighing I picked up Raj uncle aka my boss call.

"hello sir" I said

"good morning Vaishali, heard that you will be coming to Bangalore today"

"yes sir"

"well, good then from now onward you can work directly under me in the Bangalore branch, instead of the Delhi branch" he said sternly

"sure sir, but I might reduce my work hours to cope up with my studies too" this statement earned a glare from my father because he thinks that my pay will be reduced.

"that's fine as long as you work efficiently and remember I am not gonna reduce your pay unless you are not doing good in your studies"

"sure sir, I will not disappoint you" I said sincerely.

Hearing this my father relaxed and I was about to cut the call when Raj sir started talking again and by this time the phone was removed from speaker mode, the next thing he said made my heart flutter.

"And by the way Vaishali all the best on your first day" I ended the call with a bye and thankyou. He has never said anything to me like that not even my parents they have always treated me as a burden not even as a responsibility. So whenever people do such sweet gestures like this I instantly get emotional and I develop a soft corner towards them. After the wait was over we boarded the plane and I knew I was leaving this city for 2 years and I am gonna be happy after this. But the next thing my father said to me made all my dreams vanish.

hey guys this is my first story here, so don't mind me if there are any mistakes and if you cant understand the plot feel free to ask me in the comment section.

our hero is gonna make his entry in the next chapter.

do vote and comment.

love you and hugs..✌✌

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