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Arjun's pov

I saw her talking to that asshole, what relation she have with him she has to stay away from him for good. She doesn't know how ugly he is from the inside. As she walked away I went and stopped her

"How do you know Vikram" she as confused but my face was void of o emotion.

"Vikram, he is my brother. Do you know him?" she said innocently. Yes I know him he is the reason Samaira is not with me now.

But he is her brother and of course no wonder his sister is the same.

And what you are changing college huh, we'll see to that. Without saying anything more I walked away. I don't know how to process the whole thing. Just as I was about to move on with the past, it comes running back to me.

"Samaira" I whispered blankly looking at the sky as a lone tear left my eye.


Arjun's pov

It was the first day of college and I was getting enough attention already. Mom gave me a twenty minutes lecture on how I should impress a girl and how to make a good impression. She has been eagerly waiting to get me married as early as possible after my studies.

But seems like all the lecture was waste because girls are impressed just by my looks, no need to impress them. Rohit came and joined me as I was going to my first class.

"This year I will for sure get a girl for myself" he declared and all I could do was roll my eyes at him.

"Dude, I am going to make it happen. You just see" he said raising his collars

"Did you come to do your MBA or find girls" I asked annoyed

"Finding girls of course" he smiled showing his not so white teeth.

Just as the class was about to begin a girl came in at the last minute. Who is this beauty that is late on the first day itself I thought and turned my head to face the entrance.

There she stood, asking permission to get inside the lecture hall, looking beautiful. Her clothes screamed rich, but her face showed simplicity. She had glasses on and that was fucking hot.

As he made her way in I got a view of her whole figure and it was maintained real good. She was searching for a place to sit when moron named Rohit waved his hand asking her to sit beside him.

How I wish to see my fingerprints on his face.

But she ignored him like a fly and sat two rows ahead of us. I saw her as she opened her books and listened her classes and I was just watching her doing everything completely ignoring the professor.

Everything she did was cute. I just want to watch her every day.

As the class finished I hurried to get to her and stopped her

"Hey, I am Arjun. Nice to meet you" I said shamelessly.

"Sorry, I don't know you" she said not even glancing at my face and went away.

Rohit was still pulling my leg about how blunt I behaved and Karthik was still not able to believe that I did such a thing.

"Are you possessed or something" Karthik asked and I glared at him.

"When are you going to introduce our bhabhi ajju baby" Rohit teased

"Sorry, I don't know you" karthik also teased.

"You both laugh all you want. She will only come and propose to me one day. You just wait and watch"

"Sorry we didn't hear you" both said in union laughed at my state.

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