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Arjun's pov

she left. she left all of us and went away. why does my heart ache so much now, some foreign emotion in my guts I'm not able to tell what it is. I didn't feel this way even when Samaira was dead. I didn't feel this way even when Karthik was on his death bed.

Shouldn't I be happy that she left but I feel like crying.  I feel so miserable. how could I let this happen. 'take the blame' her words are still in my head. 

But I still don't regret doing all those things to her, she kept secrets from me. she knew about the court witnessing and didn't tell me until today, she was working as an auditor and I found it out by the news. she was involved in frauds. she brings her friends to her room and I'm not sure if he is the only one. how can I love her after this much.

"the police investigation will be tomorrow, where is she going" Rohit said bringing me out of my thoughts.

"what investigation" I asked

"I filed a complaint against her for pushing Karthik from the building" he said looking at his phone.

"why did you do it? he is fine now. what was the need for police. she left cant you see. how much do you want to mess her life after all these" I asked trying to sound normal.

"I was planning on going further, but stopped because of the favor she did by bringing that doctor" He sounds new to me. He is blinded by the so called revenge. Vikram was the one who did everything but she took every punishment. 

"Don't tell Karthik's mom about the police" he gave me a judging glare but agreed with me. Aunty likes Vaishali so much, in her eyes she is the best daughter in law any parents can get and I don't want to spoil that for her.


We were still waiting for the doctor to come and tell us the further care for Karthik but he wasn't seen anywhere. Rohit started to get impatient and went to get that doctor. 

"how many days until discharge" Rohit asked the doctor. He went in search of him and came back with the doctor. I still cant figure out how did Vaishali get such a good doctor. was she that influential.

"since the surgery is just over, we will be monitoring him for the next twenty four hours and if there are no complications you can take him home within few days" Doctor said to Rohit. He was about to go when he turned and asked.

"where is Vaishali, I have to ask her something" He said and Rohit clenched his jaw already. Why do you need her now. she has nothing to do with you. so better get going. I wanted to say but no words came out.

"She left" I said still not looking at his face. he nodded knowingly and said

"can you ask her to meet me when she comes back" he said and I just nodded. But she will never come back here..

"doctor there's an unconscious patient just brought in" I heard one of the nurses yelling. Dr. Tarun went in to see who she was and I don't know why but I too followed him. The patient looked familiar, it was a girl fully soaked in the pouring rain. but there were no blood stains anywhere except her nose.

"Vaishali" he said recognizing her and I shivered at the thought of seeing her in the hospital like this. She looked peaceful unlike all the day she was tensed and scared the whole day.

"Arjun, how is Karthik" I heard mom's voice at the entrance and left Vaishali as the nurses took her to some other ward. I came out of the trance and took mom to Karthik's room.

I was waiting outside the room while mom was inside. Rohit was nowhere to be seen. The door opened and the doctor whom I think Tarun came out.  when did he go inside, wasn't it supposed to be mom.

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