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Arjun's pov 

when I entered dean's cabin, I saw her for real standing there, she is such a beauty. She turned and smiled that's when I saw her eyes brown hazel colored, she was smiling but her eyes spoke other way. she looks so pure and innocent. her black dark hair falling on her cheeks reached until her lower waist, her lips look so pink and I  wonder if they will turn red when I bite them, her milky white neck which would have my marks and her assets were not remarkable but would perfectly fit in my palms, her waist was so slim, that I want to hold her everyday. Her white kurta made sure to cover her body well. She might be around 5'7,overall she has a great physic. She looked so beautiful and cute.

I heard grandpa's voice and came to reality and the next second all these thoughts were replaced with only one thing. Disgust.

Seriously, just because she is rich she thinks she will get special care here, I will make sure o give the special care she is yearning to get.

When I shook her hand I squeezed her hand a little more but she ignored it. But the next thing that happened in front of me surprised me.

Grandpa smiled and gave her a handshake. wait seriously this man used to act cocky around us what happened now. he never even smiled when he looked at me. she sure has done some magic on this old man. He is treating her like his own child, what's wrong with this old man, hit his head somewhere, he never appreciated or smiled even with mom and look here.

While leaving he asked me to not cause her any inconvenience and said all the procedure should be completed as early as possible. when will he stop treating people differently. And what was the deal between them.

We both completed the and filled the required forms. Where students should be standing in a line and get their work finished this princess got it done in seconds due to daddy's money. And now we both were going to get her a hostel room allocated and I already have a evil plan in my mind. That's when I head her calling me

"Arjun sir" I ignored

"Arjun sir" I ignored again

why is she calling me sir, does she think me as  some professor here. maybe she heard the assistant addressing me like that in the dean's office. Her voice is so annoying  and irritating can't she shut her mouth.

this time she didn't call but instead stopped be by her hand on my shoulder, when I turned back she was literally few inches far than me and I could smell her fragrance, it was lilies and lavender, it smelled so nice but still what a weird combination.

"what" I asked still maintaining my  stern face.

"uhmm..actually my parents are in the lounge area waiting for me and I didn't inform them, I will be back in a minute, is that okay" she asked like a kid

"are you a child to inform everything. anyway don't you have a mobile to call" I said annoyed

"yea, I do have, just a minute" she said realizing her stupidity and removed her phone form her jean pocket and excused herself to call. But I could literally hear everything, because the place was so quite and this girl was talking so loudly.

"hello vikram"...

"actually I am going to get my room keys, could you inform father about this"...

"what mad, why is he mad don't joke vikram I am telling you"...

"okay please manage okay I will be back in ten minutes max please do this one thing for me"...

who is vikram and why is mad n him, is he her boyfriend. why do I care?

she ended the call coming to me, and I could sense the tension and urgency in her face. when she came back she said "thank you". seriously did I do her some favor he is thanking me such a stupid girl. I just nodded my head without saying anything.

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