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"leave me Arjun" I yelled at the man who is dragging me out. why is he behaving like a control freak.

"god, will you leave me now or no" I screamed a little harder and he glared at me. really

"if you don't leave my hand right now I will slap you again" what did I just say. I wanted to apologize instead I'm making it even worse.

"of course slap me" he said showing his cheek to me. I put my head down and he finally released his grip.

"Arjun, I'm sorry for treating you like that. I really am very sorry" I said but his madness was still there.

"look, I know I went a little overboard, but you were so rough yesterday" I reasoned but he was still acting like he doesn't care.

"stop behaving like that Arjun. respond to me" I said 

"why are you with him" he said referring to Preet.

"that is important to you now?" I asked feeling hurt

"I don't want you to talk to him anymore" I was apologizing to him but this is the only thing he cares about. 

"Seriously, is this the only thing you care out of everything that happened yesterday. you are mad that I talked to Preet. and you are not even apologizing for what you did yesterday"

"I'm not sorry for what I did yesterday, you are my girlfriend and its my right to kiss you"

"girlfriend? when did I agree. who wants a boy who is always behind her to leave the college and suddenly one day he turns out to be loving you and then you get to know that he is a control freak and kisses you without your consent and is not sorry for that" I said and he looked guilty.

"stop bringing the past will you?" he said

"okay fine, then tell me why should I stop talking to Preet" I asked folding my hands over my chest.

"I don't like him, just listen to me" he said dismissively. this is what I hate in him. whenever I ask for a reason he doesn't give one but instead finishes the conversation saying it was a misunderstanding or something else.

"you know what Arjun, I don't think we can be lovers. lets end whatever we have between us" I said feeling hurt and walked away without looking back.

I went to the terrace after finishing my office work for some air. I just want to get rid of thoughts that are filled with Arjun. I was looking at the stars in the night sky thinking hard. our love story ended before it even started. great

" someone's thinking very hardly" Karthik said sitting next to me looking at my worried face he asked.

"what happened to you, don't stress that little brain that much" he said and I looked at him ready to spill everything that happened. after listening to my story he thought for a minute as if making a decision and said.

"I think Arjun is best for you"

"after all this talking and how he behaves, you still think that" I said not believing his words.

"remember when the first time you came here. you always looked dull and even though the sky was beautiful you used to look down but after you met Arjun everything changed. I can see changes in you Vaishali" he said and I was into my thoughts again. did I really change after seeing him.

"he came to me" he said and I raised a questioning brow.

"Arjun. he came to me to talk. said that his girlfriend told him to" and I was beyond shocked. Arjun talked with Karthik, the one whom he hates because I asked him to.

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