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Arjun's pov

"will you please stop sulking  on every little thing and act like a responsible son" dad started taunting me again. 

it's been nearly five years since she left and i've become the worst person ever possible. Its been very hard to live without her. If i could i would have easily found where she is but my dad and grandpa doesnt allow me to do so. I go to office daily and do nothing but sulk since the past five years. and dad hasn't let a chance skip to scold his son.

"what did i do now" i asked him

"I heard that you were not attending raj uncle's cremation rituals" he said with hatred filled in his tone. he started hating me since the day truth came out and since that day i stopped socializing with people.

"so, will you force me to go now , come on dad im not a child" i told only to end up getting slapped. this is not the first time he slapped me though. he's been doing it every single time he is upset over me.

"do whatever you want, I AM NOT GOING" i said gritting my teeth and walked out of his office to my car. His assistant tried following me but a glare from me he would disappear in seconds.

"let him go , it's not as if he's going to die. he will be going to that useless guest house and mourn over his mistakes like usual" dad said behind me. 

I didn't want any of this. all i have ever imagined is a happy life with her. it wasn't totally my fault we ended up like this. if only she told me the whole truth first itself. we would be happily married with children.

"Arjun where are you going" Rohit called me looking at my rage.

"if you're going to that hill station guest house again, let me warn you there's going to be heavy rains for two days. you can't go there now" he looked concerned. a emotion i didn't see in his eyes for her.

"can everyone stop telling me where to go and where not to go" i yelled at him from my car and drove far. far from this people and nearer to her- a place where we both planned to live after marriage.

I've been driving past hour and just like rohit warned its pouring very badly. i can barely see the road when i saw her standing near a car, it must be my imagination. but still i stopped my car hoping it were real. and i hadn't realized until now when she saw me from the little light in the car and sprinted back to where she came from, that it was her. my vaishali.

"vaishali"I called out and it sounded foreign telling her name after all these years. when in fact it was the only name i would chant in the past.

"stop... don't run from me" it hurt to complete the sentence.

"don't come near me....go away" she yelled sprinting to the passenger seat as if there's something to protect in the car.

"I'm not going to hurt you, trust me please "  i said choking on my tears. me hurting my vaishali is the last thing i would do.  But she wouldn't move from the car door and that's when i saw a movement in the passenger seat.

"is someone else still in the car" i asked peeking within the small space that she couldn't cover.

"its not your business. just leave" she yelled at me.

"listen vaishali, I'm not going to leave you here in the middle of the night with a child. at least think about your safety" i told her and she gave it a thought.

I want you to come with me so badly.

please come with me.

come with me.

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