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"I'm not staying in your room" I said 

"are you scared that you will lose self control around me" he said smirking. self control and me are like birth partners. we will see who will lose self control. I snatched the keys from his hand.

"we'll see" I said challenging. it was a very bad decision to come here. he played me this time.one night with him that's all, I have to control myself.

"here get yourself dried up" he said handling me a towel and I took it looking at everything but his eyes. 

I was done with drying my hair when my phone vibrated and it was Surya. what the hell does he want now. I thought father ended everything with him. I ended his call but he kept on calling. sighing I lifted the call and went into the balcony.

"what do you want" I whisper yelled at him.

"your father cancelled our wedding" 

"yes, so what" I said making sure Arjun who is in the washroom didn't hear me.

"I will marry you anyway Vaishali. remember that" he said and I ended the call unable to fight back.

Arjun came out of the washroom, looks like he showered his hair is all wet and messy. how cute does he look in his night pants. I always saw him in casuals and formals. but he looks so cute now. he caught me checking him out again. I cursed my luck and went in.

"do you know why I asked you to wear a saree today" he asked behind me and I just nodded no.

"because I like to see you in saree" he said and I blushed very hard

In a matter of seconds I was pinned between the wall and him. I could feel his warm breath on my body. it was getting hard for me to breath. he was staring at me like a new person who is ready to devour me. I looked down and noticed he was shirtless. when did this happen, he had his shirt just a few minutes ago. he was coming closer every second and how can I stop him without putting my hand on his bare chest.

"arj..arjun" I tried to make words but failed miserably.

His one hand secured my bare waist and chills went down my body due to his cold touch. I closed my eyes not able to process this. He maintained a firm grip on my waist and yanked me towards him. I was touching his bare chests now and he was very warm.

He leaned and kissed very passionately using his tongue. it felt very new, I never felt such a sensation in my body. we kissed for a good minute and parted for air.

"told you I would use my tongue next time" he whispered in my ears.

he now made his way towards my neck and pecked all the way down until he reached my cleavage.

"Arjun the door is not locked" I tried to talk. he pecked me and went away to lock the door. I made this my chance to escape to the bathroom and took out my towel and dress out of my luggage but he was fast to reach and stopped me. he took all my things from my hand and placed it on the table. He started taking steps to me and I started going back until I hit the bed and fell on it with him.

"stop me if you don't want" he said and started his work again.

He removed my saree sensually still kissing me. I was under the blanket naked and he removed his pants and got into the bed. I saw his manhood an d my eyes went wide. how will that fit in me. he kissed me again and for the first time I responded to him. he looked more a beast after this. 

"will it pain" I asked scared.

"I will make sure there is no pain" he said and pecked my lips.

He entered into me and I clutched the bedsheets hoping for some pain and when it did I shut my eyes tightly. Arjun was trying his best to go gentle. the pain went away after a few seconds replaced by pleasure. a foreign feeling to my body and it felt so surreal. I closed my mouth not to make any sounds.

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