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I saw his car parked in front of my home, of course I know he would come here. 

"Look, I don't care how you will seek your revenge from her family but if anything happens to my daughter because of you, you will no longer be breathing" I heard Arjun warn Sameer. What revenge is he talking about. why does Sameer want revenge from my family. How does Arjun know Sameer in the first place.

"I will do nothing to you, Samaira or Vaishali. I only have one goal which is to bring her family to the roads. which I have been already planning for five years. And never would I even think of hurting maira" Sameer said. What surprises have I been through today.

"How dare Vaishali hide this from me" Arjun said with hate and anger dripping from his words.

"She was scared that you will take away her only remaining happiness" Sameer said.

"You think I wouldn't do that now, Sweety will be living with me from now on, I don't care what she thinks of me. Since Vaishali came to India all I have been doing is trying to get her back. But she tried to deceive me again" Arjun said.

I deceived him, does he hear himself. Like hell I would let him take my daughter. He lost the place of father when he stopped searching for me and moved on from the past. The past that made my future like this.

"I will make sure sweety never finds out that you are her father" I said and the anger in his eyes I saw reminded me of that day, the day where he choked me and tried to almost kill me when I spoke about Samaira. The day I saw my father in him.

"Are you even a Mother. How could you hide this from our daughter. Doesn't she need a father" he said more like insulted.

"I have raised her perfectly these years without a father" I said

"I can see how well you raised her, she is scared of you, don't you remember what happened in the farm house. She doesn't like you Vaishali. She likes me" He said going towards her room where she was sleeping.

"I will take my daughter with me and I don't fucking care what you think" 

"You can't take her, she is mine. I took care of her since her birth. where the hell were you then. I have done so much for us to be living this happy life now and I will not let you crumble this world of us" I said

"why didn't you call me then. You could have told me, I would have come to you the next second" he said

"Come and do what, abandon me and take her away like you are doing it now. Like you did in the past. You have not changed a little Arjun. You are the same egoistic, sadistic asshole in the past" I yelled and clearly he was hurt from my words.

"Vaishali please stop, that's enough" Sameer said trying to stop the heated argument.

"Sameer shut up and get the fuck out of here. This is my family matter." Sameer resisted to go out but then I yelled again, he went out feeling ashamed. I don't care about his feeling after I heard what he wants to do to my parents.

" You have no idea what I have gone through because of your so-called revenge. You never loved me did you? You used me and left to die just like Vikram did to Samaira. How are you different from Vikram" I said and he clenched his jaw when I said these words.

"All my life, every male that has come into my life has always been a sadist who wants to inflict pain on me and the worst part is you want to come into my life again" 

"How did you even think I would love you again, I hate you to the core, I hate that you are sweety's father." I said 

"Do you know what I have been through since you left" he said and I had enough. He thinks of this as a competition, he thinks that his pain and mine are same.

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