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Vaishali's pov

After talking with Karthik a little more, I came back to my room only to see a jealous Tara there.

"What happened, why do you look like that" I asked

"You get a hot tutor like Arjun and a handsome friend like Karthik. When were you planning to tell me huh" she asked with her hands on her hips

"I was planning to tell you now" I said and she didn't utter a word, she thought I was hiding it well of course I was.

"Tell then" she said and jumped on my bed sat by folding her legs and a pillow on her laps.

"Since that statistics exam incident, Arjun is being very nice with me, he was the one who helped to tutor me and karthik is just like my brother nothing more. Now get up I have to sleep please" I said

"karthik is just a brother, nothing more right?" she asked

"Nothing more, now go away. I wanna sleep" I said shooing her out

"Be careful with that Arjun however, we can't trust that idiot" she said and I nodded absentminded.

I checked my phone and there were six missed call from Tara and one from vikram, one from Swetha and other two from an unknown number. This is the first time I've got so many calls.

I dialed the unknown number to check who it might be,

"Hello, who is this?" I asked and no reply

"Hello, can you hear me, who is this. Hello" I said and still no reply

I was about to cut the call when I heard a voice "hey, remember me. It's me surya" he said with so much fake in his voice.

"What do you want?" I asked annoyed

"You" he said and I wanted to smash his head there itself.

"Listen, if there is any office issue, you can ask your father to call me. And anything more, I will not be tolerating" I said

"Stop there, wifeyy. Is this how you treat your husband? I will have to inform your dad if you behave like a brat with me" he said and I lost it

"Until now I've spoken with respect and you don't deserve it from now on and who the hell are you calling wife, you idiot. Did I give my consent yet? And don't you dare call me names and disrespect me. One more time you call me. I will not spare you, understood" I said waiting for his reply

"We will see to that wifeyy, sleep now." he said not at all taking my words seriously

"Screw you, you moron" I said and threw the phone on the bed.

I never got a loving family, I thought I would at least get myself a loving partner, but my father wants a business deal out of this also. What extent will he go for this money and company? He is a selfish man who only wants money and nothing more. I seriously wish he would get severe losses in his company and go bankrupt.


I finished all my classes for today and on my way to library when I got a call from Swetha

"Mam, adithya sir asked me to..uhh..give work.." she stuttered and I could sense it

"Give the phone to him" I said and she went and knocked on his cabin after hearing a faint come in. she informed about the call and handed the phone.

"Listen, previous work which you should do was done by me, there will be no more such sharing or shifting of work. Do all your work by yourself or get out of the office. And also I already informed Raj sir that Shetty's hotel audit which was allocated to you was done by me" I said and I could imagine him clenching his teeth.

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