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Vaishali's pov

I completed the dean's audit finally. I have to submit it to Raj sir tomorrow and then we'll see what happens. Arjun messaged me to come to his house which he bought couple of months ago and told that it would be our home after marriage.

But I'm too tired to go now. there was a knock on the door. It was Arjun looking at me with those scary eyes. 

"why didn't you respond to my message" he asked getting in and locking the door behind him.

"you messaged? I didn't see..wait" I sucked very badly at acting.

"Vaishali don't lie" he used my name which means he is being serious now.

"I feel very tired. I wanted to sleep" I pouted and he smiled. this works every single time.

"lets sleep then come" he said and we both laid on my not so big bed. he put his one hand on my waist and took me closer to him. we both were facing each other. I settled my face on his chest. he kissed my forehead and said goodnight.

I slept calmly in his embrace for an hour or so when a phone call disturbed me. he was still sound sleep.it was Shwetha asking me to submit the audit report tomorrow. I was talking to her about the details when Arjun woke up.

"who is it at this time" he asked and I ended the call immediately. did he hear our conversation.

"no one, just some spam call" I lied and went back to bed.

"Are you hiding anything from me sweety" he asked making his grip on my waist tighter.

"no. why will I hide anything from you" I shrugged it off and he gave me a peck and dozed off again.

"I will tell you everything soon, very soon" I said to the sleeping Arjun.

we both woke up in the morning. I saw that the bed was empty which means he was in the washroom. 

"how are you now" he asked in his morning voice. that was enough for me to give butterflies.

"feeling great" I said getting up and still yawning.

"then lets do what I came to do here yesterday" he said grinning and here goes another morning love making session.


I submitted the repot to Raj sir and he said the fees will be transferred in two days. Rohit will be coming today. Lavanya, Arjun, Karthik and me were waiting for him in the airport.

Rohit came and hugged and kissed Lavanya first, then hugged Arjun and Kartik but as soon as he saw me his face lost all its colors. he looked at Arjun who had his face bent down as if he did something wrong. The whole drive Rohit glared at Arjun as if he committed a big crime.

Arjun's pov

"what is she still doing here" Rohit asked me after everyone went away.

He told me to break up with her long ago before he went for Mumbai. but I did not have the courage to do. these many months I've been with her and I feel like she has nothing to do with this. I feel complete when I'm with her.

"don't say that you are in love with her" he said raising a questioning brow.

"I don't know" I said running my hands over my head. His face became stoic now, I know he is very mad at me now.

"Arjun did you ever wonder why I get so worked up whenever Samaira's name comes up" he said out of the blue. I did observe it but why is he talking about that now.

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