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"are you nuts, who calls this revenge" I yelled at Rohit who wants to make Vaishali fall in love with him and then deceive her.

"I'm not joking, this is my actual plan and I even talked with her after you left" this is literally a sick plan.

"you were feeling bad that we went too much on that exam thing and what happened now" I asked raising my eyebrow.

"I was feeling bad then but after yesterday seeing how close she was to Karthik and how he treated his own enemy. I lost my cool"

"but we are never going to do this sickening plan of yours" I said and he looked irritated ready to go away.

"wait you said you talked to her yesterday. what did you say"

"I asked her to sleep with me" my eyes went wide at his words

"don't look at me like that, that was how I proposed Lavanya and she accepted me" he said casually. he is really an idiot.

"dude, what the hell both of you are nuts. who says such words to a girl you like" I looked at him disgusted and left.

"Akash stop teasing her and give my card to Tara now" I could hear her scolding in the class and I stopped across the window to listen the whole conversation.

"Vaish, ask her to spend her money why are you giving yours" Akash said

"she will spend that money on other things she needs. let her use my money I really don't care. if you want you too can use it. the balance is unlimited" she said proudly raising her imaginary collar.

"in your dreams, I'm not giving her this card and I will keep it with me because the next second I give you this she will take it"

"Akash give me the card or you will be dead" The other girl Tara said and I literally scoffed at how Vaishali was giving them money. what does she think she is?? a billionaire , does she even know the value of money. spending on friends is okay but to this extent shows how carelessly she was brought up.

when will she learn basic sense and stop being this annoying. I can teach her a lesson, wait until I get that card and I smiled, a wicked smile.

Vaishali's pov

Tara sat there upset on how Akash reacted. She was actually investing in some equity and mutual funds and asked me for money. it is good seeing her be Financially conscious at this time. no worries I will still help you some other way. Tara left us and went to her class, today we have Stat class and how can I face that monster again accompanied by an asshole.

"today sir is not well so I will be replacing him" came the annoying voice ever. I didn't even take a glance at him. thank god I'm sitting at the last next to this window where I can get a beautiful view away from this useless class.

"everyone in the last benches please occupy the empty seats in the front" he said arranging his papers and everyone started occupying the empty seats. I asked Akash to wait so we can go and sit behind everyone after all places are filled.

Thankfully every one were seated and Akash passed me a half opened chocolate and I gave my sheepish smile and was about to eat it when he glared at me. I placed it on the table disappointed hoping it will not melt.

"are you going to teach us today" asked one of his fangirl showing all her thirty two teeth. I would instead die than sitting in his class.

"unfortunately no, sir asked me to give these practice papers to everyone so that you can at least pass your next exam" he said smirking at the end. I know asshole I would have passed if it wasn't for you.

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