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Kim V was a young scientist of his time

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Kim V was a young scientist of his time. He was a passionate and hardworking person. V was always stubborn about his projects and he hated failure. Losing was  not  an option for him , his each project was  meant to be successful . .

Recently , he was working on the project of hybrids. He was continuously trying but failed each time , this was pissing him off. V was always that psycho person who  would go to any limit for winning doesn't matter if he has to dirty his hands even..

He kidnapped  3 young high schoolers with the help of  his fellow mate Scientist Jake. Jake used his contacts to kidnap the boys and brought them to their secret laboratory .

Those three children were -  Jackson, Bogum and lastly Namjoon .

V and Jake collected the DNAs of  dog, cat and wolf respectively. For the experiment , they needed the boys to be healthy and fit so Jake  was in incharge of the boys and their care. V was busy in making the set up for the experiment . He set up that new tool he made this year  CRISPR-Cas9  along with DNa transmitter and other replication tools.

An organism produced by interbreeding of two animals or plants of different species or of genetically distinct populations within a species. Such offspring often possess genes passed on by each parent, yielding a combination of traits not known in previous generations.

But here the case was different because here this young psycho scientist was trying  to breed between a human and an animal not between animals of different species. But he wasn't going  to let a human and animal have sex to breed - no. He wasn't sure which hybrid he was going to make. V was going to experiment on 3 humans and 3 animals. Firstly he started with animals.

V injected the human stem cells into the early stage dog  and cat embryos each . Then he also put Jackson's and Bogum's  body in the emitter  and replicated his DNA with the dog's DNA . He waited patiently for Jackson and Bogum to respond while Namjoon's body was laid on a stretcher because V didn't have 3 emitters .

V transferred these hybrid embryos  in surrogate sows with proper care. Jackson was still unconscious while Bogum's body was giving some responds . He allowed the hybrid embryos kept in surrogate sows to develop until the first trimester.

It took one week for it to process. Both Jackson and Bogum were awake now but had poor conditions . Jake was also not there to help them. Jackson would wake up at inappropriate times and would start  breaking stuff here and there. He started peeling off his own skin to eat and refused to eat the food provided. He even attacked the other boys.

V kept Jackson and Bogum in two different cages while Namjoon was gonna stay with him . One night when V came to  check up on them , he found Jackson lying with a pool of blood around him . V took an injection and a gun and opened the cage. Jackson was letting out small growls in pain, his veins ready to pop out of the skin. His skin hairs were changing colour while his stomach was bleeding .

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