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Hello guys! It's me your beloved one, Shreya. Let's continue the story, shall we? After the passage of time, it's time to introduce you to the Kim family before we dive into our main topic, Taemin. So, let's welcome our special guest who will give us a quick overview of our four handsome boys. Give a big round of applause to the great and only sane member of the Kims, the most intelligent, the bravest - Kim Yeontan. Wohoo!

*hands the mic to Tannie*

Yeontan's POV:

Heya Vmin whor— fans, I'm Kim Yeontan, the only sane one in this whole mansion. *woof woof* As the author mentioned, I'm the narrator of this story. Let's take a tour, diving straight into the lives of our handsome heroes.

Firstly, let's meet the eldest - Kim Seokjin. *pushes the door open* Geez! Holy Cow!!My eyes ugh *runs back* W-well, all I saw was a naked girl sitting on top of him. She looks better than the boy I saw last night, I suppose. Ugh whatever!

So basically, Jin is a playboy— a huge one at that. Here I am, still a virgin, and he doesn't even consider buying a bitch for me. His main activities involve bringing girls and boys over at each hour of day and night. He only cares about his pleasure and meals, otherwise, he is irresponsible. Jin loves his brothers deeply, but Jungkook is his favorite.

Speaking of Jungkook, I can hear some rather lewd and nasty noises from his room. Best to skip that one; don't wanna have a bad first impression, do we?!

Jungkook is  rather possessive, tough in appearance but soft as a princess inside. He pampers Jimin the most but also partners in crime with the youngest one. And he eats like a pig, well which one of the four doesn't?

Now, let's find the youngest first then we'll move to Jimin. *enters the empty room* *sigh* He's not here, but I know where to find him. With that, I started walking to the destined place to find the brat. It's the usual guys.

Honestly, if they keep behaving like this, I might just end up as the heir of this family. A nice thought, considering I'm better than them. I like the idea.

They never even bother to close their doors. I wish I could speak and complain to Joonie eomma; he'd straighten them out. Alas, I can't as he is out for vacation and I'm still upset that why I am left here with these morons. These bastards even fed me rotten bread.

Sighing, I entered the room, and yep, I was right.

*Mic drop*

3rd pov:-

As soon as Yeontan entered the room, he was greeted by the sight of the youngest duo cuddled up together, being all fluffy and all.

Two handsome boys, bare-chested, glowing skin, together on the bed. Holding each other, or rather, glued together as if they just had sex and were basking in the afterglow. But no, they hadn't. It's just the charisma of the Kims; they look hot even in their most casual moments.

It was 1:00 PM in the afternoon while Jin and Jungkook were busy doing 'it,' Taehyung and Jimin were sleeping together. Legs tangled, bodies half-naked and pressed together, Jimin snuggling into his brother's chest. It was a routine now.

Yeontan started barking loudly, loud enough to wake the sleeping fairy. The pet wagged his tail in greeting while barking to get some attention.

Taehyung ignored the noise, but Yeontan was persistent. He went to Jimin's side, barking as if he had swallowed Jin's beatbox. Jimin covered his ears with his palms, but Yeontan never gives up so easily.

Jimin got up, blinking his eyes, trying to adjust to the bright daylight. He opened his arms, inviting the barking fluff ball, who happily climbed into his lap.

Jimin yawned and stretched his arms, his biceps flexing, his bare chest muscles contracting and relaxing. He looked at his brother, just in boxers, sleeping like he owned the bed. He shook the younger's body, who groaned in response.

But Jimin wasn't giving up. He started tickling the sleeping tiger's abs but was pulled by a strong, veiny hand, making him trip over Taehyung.

Jimin landed on Taehyung's body with a soft gasp. Taehyung wrapped his arms securely around Jimin's waist, pressing their bodies closer.

Jimin didn't react much; it was a familiar scenario. He removed the strands of hair from his brother's face, smiling softly, and caressed his cheeks with his cute hands.

"Get up, Tae," Jimin whispered in Taehyung's ear with his sexy morning voice. He always spoke like this, his voice perpetually sexy.

"Tae~~ Let's go, I have to meet Lucas too." Jimin whined, but it didn't work.

Man! He had a good time planned, and he didn't want to miss it. So he decided to use his extra human powers, or scientifically, his supernatural abilities.

He closed his eyes, brows furrowing, focusing on his sixth sense. Free from all activities around him, he focused on his soul, connecting the nerves, sparks running through his nervous system. Only him and his soul.

Soon, his body grew, becoming heavier until Taehyung could no longer bear the weight. His breathing grew heavy, and he unwrapped his arms, throwing Jimin off him.

Jimin grinned at his victory while Taehyung coughed violently. Jimin looked at him worriedly but soon started laughing. Taehyung's eyes grew dark, and the next moment, Jimin was pinned on the bed with Taehyung on top of him.

"Don't you think you've laughed enough, bro? Laughing at me is not good for your health," Taehyung said firmly.

"Tae, I have a hookup with Lucas. I don't want to be late. Let me go, or I'll send you back to the street where our parents found you." Jimin taunted.

Taehyung's eyes narrowed, reducing the distance between them. "Shut up. It was you who was left at the hospital, not me. Don't act superior. I'll do what I want. Got that?" Taehyung growled.

Jimin, feeling cornered, retorted, "Well, I'm not scared of you, Kim Taehyung." With that, he freed himself, walked towards the bathroom, swaying his hips seductively.

Taehyung groaned. Unable to defeat his sibling, he felt like a loser. He wished to tangle Jimin, pin him, and tug his hair until he surrendered. He wanted to smash Jimin's head with every piece of furniture in the room.

"I hope he slips and breaks a bone. I swear, Jimin-ah, one day you'll pay so hard you won't be able to walk." Taehyung huffed, leaving the room in his boxers.

And our little Tannie sat on the warm bedsheet, enjoying the daily sibling drama. If only someone gave some corn to the poor dog.


Short update, right??

Don't worry , I'll make it up for y'all next time with a double update. It was just a preview of how their life goes on, let the story start from the next update.

Date-17'th July

Words- 1549

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