Chapter seven.

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Opening her eyes she winced at the bright sunlight. She felt like she had been hit by a bus, her stomach and head hurt the worst and it felt hard to move. She looked over to see Jet asleep on the bed next to her, his wild curly hair spread over his face. The memory of last night was fuzzy but she remembered him saving her.

'Don't you ever fucking do that to me again Neon'

She turned to her other side at the sound of Party Poisons angry voice. He was sat in a chair next to the bed, he looked like shit if she was being honest. His hair was a tangled mess and he looked pale with dark circles under his eyes, his eyebrows were in a firm frown and he looked furious.

'WHAT THE FUCK NEON! What were you thinking? You scared the shit out of us all!' He yelled waking up Jet who looked shocked at the interaction.

'Party, stop calm the fuck down you both need to get better and this won't help!' Jet said as he sat up rubbing his head.

'I'm sorry I don't know what to say I thought it was best then it stops Korse but i shouldn't have done this to you guys' she said quietly.

She was realising now it had been such a bad mistake, as she was passing out in the bathroom she didn't go to the place of her dreams from last time. It was darkness. She realised this was her safe place, with the killjoys. Being isolated so long just amplified her emotions and she didn't realise how low she had got. She vowed to herself to work on it and not let the dark thoughts take over.

'Your fucking right there, you shouldnt have done it. Im right here, I've always been right here, talk to me don't isolate yourself. We all love you' his tone had changed completely now, he sounded as exhausted as he looked. He moved awkwardly forward towards her, wrapped his arms around her and held her close to his chest.

'I'm sorry I didnt realise how depressed you were feeling I thought I had done something to you. Please promise me you will never try this again' He moved his head so his forehead was resting on hers, the familiar feeling was so comforting even through the pain.

'I'm gonna leave you guys to sort this out now I know your both not gonna die on me anymore, you two will be the death of me and I need more sleep for that.' Jet said getting off the bed and walking out the room.

She shuffled over as best she could making room for him on the bed and she layed on his chest neither of then fit to move for a while.

Throughout the day the killjoys popped in to see them, their moods sombre and tired. The only one who didn't appear was Diamond and she was dying to speak to her. She would go see her soon.

'We are going to take care of Korse you know' Party said kissing her head lightly. 'We have a plan, I just need this leg to heal'

'I don't want to think about Korse right now' She said falling asleep again, what pills were still in her system was making it hard to stay awake too long.

When she woke it was evening, she could see the orange skies of the setting sun through the window. Party was gone and she could hear voices coming from the main diner. Slowly swinging her legs of the bed she stood shakily.

Before she reached the door Jet appeared 'where do you think you are going?' He said crossing his arms in front of his chest.

'Jet I'm just coming through to see you guys'

'Right well no disappearing off on your own ok? Come on Ill help you through' He told her sternly before taking her arm and walking her down the hall. Were they going to babysit her now? Surely they were not going to escort her everywhere.

Everyone was sat around one table, there was what looked like a map on the middle which they were pointing at different parts of. She couldn't quite make out what they were saying but this must be the plan Party was talking about.

'Where's Diamond?' She asked interrupting their discussion. She was feeling sleepy again and couldn't bear waiting for a quiet break to speak.

'She's in our room, she's been pretty shaken up about last night' Ghoul said pointing towards the hall.

'Thanks I'm going to go see her I need to say sorry to her, I'm still really sorry.....' She stopped speaking as her legs started to give way again, it felt like she was walking through jelly.

' I'll take you' Jet said trying to steady her but she brushed him off, she didn't need to be babysat. They may not trust her alone but she really was just wanting to see Diamond.

'I can do it, you can see me all the way down the hall please Ill be fine Jet.' He looked unsure at her words, she wondered if he was fed up of always having to fix her up from the shit she got herself into but pushed the thought away again.

The four killjoys watched as she walked down the hall, she was tempted to joke about it but decided now wasn't the best time for dark humour.

She walked into Diamond and Ghouls room to see Diamond sat on the bed crossed legged, she still had some red flecks she assumed was blood on her face and looked like she hadn't slept at all. She had been crying and was clutching a piece of paper firmly, it was so tight in her hands it was almost scrunched in a ball.

'Hey, Diamond? Look I'm so sorry please talk to me' her voice trembled slightly at the thought If her friend this distraught over something she had done. They had become so close before she left, more like sisters than friends and Diamond had confessed how much she had gone through in the wars and being captured by Korse. The torture she endured and how it had given her almost some ptsd.

She had been so selfish to take thise pills, she knew that now seeing their reactions and how tbey were responding to her now. It's funny how you have to be rock bottom before you can see clearly how lucky you are to have so many special people around you.

'This was your goodbye? We were meant to find you dead after not seeing you for five fucking years and this was meant to me me feel better?' Diamond said thrusting the letter towards her.

Party must have mentioned the letters she was hoping they wouldn't even read them now. She wondered if the others had taken theirs too.

'I'm so sorry I was selfish and so so stupid. I couldn't see clearly it was like all thes rocks in my head. I meant what I said on the letter though I wish things were different' she didn't know how to explain it. She knew her words couldn't make things different or make then right again, only time would do that.

'I've lost too many people already, I've had to fight to survive Neon. I just don't understand it at all! And the chaos last night it was so triggering I mean Party nearly bled out again while you were dying....' Diamond started crying then and she had no words of comfort, no words could fix this. So instead she just walked over to her friend and hugged her with every last bit of energy she had, and they cried together.

killjoys never die - Still running (Danger Days)Where stories live. Discover now