Chapter 23

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Diamond P.O.V

Pacing the diner she cursed Party under her breath. She was becoming increasingly pissed off at him and his inability to make the right decisions lately, always top lost in his own head to consider the rational approach to situations. She was pleased that he had made progress with Neon again but it was too soon to be taking her on runs to zone 5. It was a hotbed of activity there with all the trade that was conducted daily, which meant increased drac patrols. Ghoul hadn't been too bothered by the change, wary maybe but not filled with anxiety as she was. Especially now they hadn't returned before nightfall.

Ghoul had suffered losses, of course they all had but hers still bore raw scars on her heart, each one chiseled a little deeper. This is why her and Neon got on so well, they had the same level of understanding. Both once lone wolfs avoiding getting close to anyone and yet both finding themselves apart of this little family they had created.

She remembered back to just after the helium wars, right back at the start of it all when they had all been under the control of BL/ind. That's when she had first lost family, it killed a part of her inside and what led her to finally break out into the zones in hope of freedom and escaping the same fate. She was too young to have been fully involved in the analogue wars, left on the sidelines by the crew who took her in. They had promised to keep her safe but never returned from the battle. She had filtered in and out if a few crews after that, knowing that a lone killjoys life span is considerably shorter. None stuck though as death seemed to filter through each one until it left her cold.

She had been alone for a while after that, not wanting to let anyone get close and reopen that feeling of them being ripped away. It had been a good run with her last crew, she had been with them the longest and had finally felt like she could let her guard down a bit. Have somewhere to call home at last but they too had suffered the same fate and she had been captured by Korse. Her and Kobra had only discussed it a handful of times since, but Ghoul had been the one to help her learn to be part of a family again. Ghoul was a bundle of hyperactivity but mixed with the kindest and patient nature. She didnt know where she would be without him.

He had promised to go with her on the bikes to look for Party and Neon in the morning if they had still not returned but the anxiety about waiting was driving her insane. It wasn't safe right be out at night, she knew that, they all did. It was easier to be targeted in the dark and the rumours of what lay in the shadows kept most killjoys from venturing out. They had an agreement on all runs that no one looks for then until the next day, their radios rarely worked over such long distances so they had put this in place knowing staying overnight made more sense than a reckless return journey due to high patrols.

The unease never subsided and by the time the sun had risen she was waking up a very groggy Ghoul, who, to his credit, didn't complain and just slowly got himself dressed and ready to leave with her.

"They probably just bunked down for the night D, he wouldn't be risky with Neon" Ghoul said reassuringly.

"He would, his head been up his arse lately! He's distracted now by all the bullshit thats happened! Look how risky he was going into the city every night, he could have led them back to us anytime!"

"You wanted to give with him D! Look calm down we are going to find them OK? It's gong to be fine and you can give him a good kicking if he's fucked up, that sound good?" Ghoul said with a cheeky smile on her face, the one she could never resist.

"Ok, deal" She smiled as they put on there masks ready to set off.

The journey was quiet, the morning sun not yet unbearable, still fighting away the cold the night had brought with it. They stuck close together, Ghoul occasionally showing off his bike skills and nearly crashing a few times where he would get carried away. But it had lightened her anxiety a little. It had been a while since she rode this far into the other zones, preferring to lie low and keep out of troubles way for a while.
It wasn't until they hit the border of zone 5 that they slowed down, spotting the transam and an array of dracs bodies on the ground. They stopped to assess from a distance, much to her annoyance but Ghoul insisted on double checking on any signs of an ambush.

"Ghoul no one knows we were coming, whatever has happened it was a while ago! Come on they might be hurt!" She yelled before zooming off In the direction of the car.

She heard Ghouls bike following so kept her attention towards the car as she slowed down to approach. As she dismounted she tried to quickly count up how many dracs they had taken on, at least 30 that she could see. That didn't bode well and she couldn't resist giving one a kick as Ghoul joined her.

"Any sign of them?" He asked now sounding as worried as she felt.
"Not yet, you check the car I'll check round the back" She said pointing him in the direction of the car.

Walking toward the back of the transam she noticed what looked like a struggle as she saw blood on the floor. The panic was really setting in now.

"D! Quick in here!" She heard Ghould yell from the car.

She glanced through the window to see Party huddled up holding on to Neon. She felt her blood run cold when she realised only one of them was moving and the tears streaked down his face.

"No! I'm going to kill you Party how the fuck could you let this happen!" She heard herself scream and she felt Ghoul tackle her away from the trajectory she had been on.
She fought against him for a few moments before her emotions caught up with her and he sat her down in the front seat of the car holding her tight.

"D, I know this is a lot but I need you to hold it together while I help Party ok?"

She nodded hearing the muffled sobs coming from the broken Party in the back and found herself just sitting there watching him through the rear view mirror unable to process anything that was happening.

"Party, what happened?" She heard Ghoul ask gently as he wrapped his own jacket around the shoulders of his friend.

"She was hurt, I got them all Ghoul, I did but I was too late. I really fucked up this time" She watched Party speaking and each word broke her heart a little more.
"We need to get you back to the diner, shit have you been out here all night?" Ghoul said like he was only just fully processing the situation.

"I couldn't keep her warm, she's so cold Ghoul. I cant let her be cold...." Party's voice trailed back off into sobs and she could feel herself start to break down then.

The tears had long been flowing but she could feel every part of his heartbreak and it radiated out like a laser beam.

She wasn't sure how long she just sat there after that, her just silently watching Party sob unable to even move from the shock of it all. None of it felt real, like a terrible dream they couldn't break out of.

"I've changed the tyre and hidden the bikes the best I can. I'll come back later for them with Kobra and Jet. Let's get you two home for now" Ghoul said quietly as he slipped into the drivers seat.

"Three" came partys quiet voice from the back making Ghoul freeze for a second.

"Yes Three. Let's get home" She said giving Party a nod.

They drive in silence for what felt like a lifetime, no one bothering to fill the gaps as there seemed to be nothing left to say. She went through the motions with Kobra and Jet once they returned explaining what had happened, each not knowing how fully to react. Kobra locked himself in his room and Jet hurried Party to lay Neon in her room so he could double check for anything he could do. It was pointless really but seemed more like him processing the moment than anything.

It had never been so quiet in the diner before.

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