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She couldn't sleep no matter what she tried, her mind was crying out for the pills, Her body making her painfully aware she was in some sort of withdrawal. She hoped this would be over by the morning as if they found out she had skipped her medication she could be punished. She remembered that now, yesterday it just felt like something she needed to do not that she was being forced to.

She heard the window creak slightly and spun round to see the red haired man climbing through again. He had a red trail of blood running from the corner of his mouth this time and looked like he had been in a fight.

"Your bleeding" She said sitting up, a frown appearing on her face.

"Your frowning, that means no pills" He smiled.

"What happened to your face?" She said standing up and moving closer to him.

"Its nothing, someone wasnt happy about me coming back that's all."

She inched closer to him, she could smell the desert on his clothes, hot and dusty and completely overpowering compared to the sterile environment of the city. She reached up to touch his mouth gently feeling the stickiness of the blood on her finger. This all felt so familiar, she couldn't quite grasp the memory though. She quickly pulled her hand back embarrassed at how weird she was acting, he didn't seem phased at all though.

"How long does the withdrawal from the pills last? I struggled hiding them today and I still feel like my minds so confused" She asked.

"Its depends on the dosage, hopefully by the morning it should be all out of your system. Do you remember much yet?" He asked hopeful.

"No, it's like the memories are there but locked behind a door I can't access. I don't even remember my name" She said returning to the bed to sit down.

He followed behind her and sat next to her, she still didn't feel nervous or scared around him and she should having a random member of the rebellion sneaking Into her room.

"Your names Neon, not here but back where you should be. This isn't your life"

"You said that last time but I don't understand. I only rememeber this life, I'm so confused" She said fiddling with her nails.

He was looking at her with sad eyes again, was this life without the pills? Always sad?

"Neon you lived in the zones, with....friends. you were captured one day and they pumped you full of the pills and that's how you got here"

"The rebellion? No surely not.....how long ago?" She said shocked.

"Its only been a few days......"

"No that can't be right! I've always been here! I remember growing up here....and my job...my apartment...."

This couldn't be right, she didnt want this anymore he had to be lying she remembered her life here.

"You did grow up here, with your family but you escaped with your sister into the zones. You ran with a crew for a few years before.....changing crews and moving in with them. That's where your home is" He said.

She could tell he was being cautious with his words, simplifying the story somehow but she was grateful for that in this moment. It was already so overwhelming to hear.

"How can I trust what your saying? How do I know your not the rebellion kidnapping citizens by getting them off their pills" She asked.

"You don't, you trust me though don't you? I can tell."

"Are you one of my friends....um crew? Is that why you have come here for me?"

There was the sad look again, he was hiding something from her but she had no idea what.

killjoys never die - Still running (Danger Days)Where stories live. Discover now