Chapter 16

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Party poison POV

The pain radiated through him, he felt like he was burning from the inside out. Fuck Neon! he thought scrabbling slowly to his knees and looking around. There was just empty desert all around, no Korse, no dracs and no Neon. He was alive though, why when they could have killed him there and then? This wasnt sitting right and he had no idea what part in Korses plan he was playing into right now.

Fuck, this was messed up he thought trying to calm the panic rising inside of him. They had to have taken her back to the city, or they would both be dead already. He had to fix this, it was all his fault bringing her here, he should have known better than to come somewhere deserted knowing they were being hunted. He dropped back down to the ground, his back in the desert sand and wept.

After a while, the tears stopped falling, He had nothing left inside and had almost gone numb. This must be what the pills feel like, he thought, calm and numb. The one time he was actually tempted to try them. He needed to snap out of it though, he refused to lose any more people, he had watched too many had die and he refused to let her be the next one. He was a killjoy, he was meant to save people, to help them and sitting around sobbing wasn't doing either of those things. How could he contribute to bringing down BL/ind if he was moping and allowing them to take one if his own.

He was going to fucking kill Korse and blow the city to pieces if he needed to.

With anger now replacing his sadness he examined the trans am realising only one tyre had been shot out during the fight. He knew he had a spare so at least he could make it back to the diner. He was in no shape to be crashing straight into battery city on a rescue mission, he didn't even know where they had taken her yet. But if he had been left alive he was sure she had too. It was the why that bothered him so much.

He made quick work of changing the tyre out, they would have to repair the broken one at some point, and set off back towards the diner. At least if he had the others with him they stood more of a chance and they already had a half a plan they could adjust to a rescue mission. He had to get her back as quick as they could they could be doing anything to her right now. He shook of the thought as he approached the diner, he needed to stay rational if he was going to get her out of there, there was no time for breaking down.

He almost collapsed by the time he crashed through the diner door, the effects of the stun Ray blast still weighing heavy on his body, his adrenaline running low. Jet had insisted on giving him pain meds and he had only taken them to get things moving towards the plan quicker. Kobra had shot off to send a message through to their contact on the radio, needing intel from their insider to locate Neon. Once they had an exact location, it would make a rescue much easier.

Two days it took before they heard back, two days of crashing emotions between crying himself to sleep and the soaring anger leaving him punching walls. They were given an apartment number and work schedule of where she would be throughout the day, This hit him hard knowing they would have pumped her full of the pills by now or worse if they felt confident enough to let her live in an apartment. He still couldn't figure out what Korse was playing at though, he could have just killed them both while he had the chance.

Next time he saw Korse he would kill him, a slow painful death if he had his way, this was the thought now getting him through the day. He allowed the anger to almost consume him, spurring him on even if he was becoming extremely volatile to live with.

That night he snuck away from the diner and used the underground tunnels to creep undetected into the city. He had done this many times before over the years for supplies but they had stopped recently with Korse so heavy on their backs. He was happy to risk it tonight though, he needed to see she was OK. He hoped the message he sent through Kobras contact had been recieved by Neon and she actually listened allowing him quick access to the apartment before he could be spotted. Kobra was the only one who knew he was doing this and even that had been an argument but he couldn't just sit back and idly wait.

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