Chapter 13

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Sitting alone in the booth, she sighed. Things were so messy, everytime they fixed one situation it led to another arising. Endless cycles of bullshit and trauma, it was always one of their turns to break down. It seemed to be Party's turn right now, not that she blamed him. She knew she had contributed to his trauma and pushed him too far, but hindsight is cruel like that, You never know the consequences fully until after the fact.

Party and Ghoul had spent the last two days acting as if the other didn't exist, except for the occasional glare or muttered insult. Diamond was keeping herself out of the way, she had been keeping a close eye on her friend though knowing how much of a toll the tension had on her, she wouldn't let Diamond be the next one to break down. Her friend had overcome too much and survived everything thrown at her in her short life, she never wanted to see her fall into a dark place. If only Ghoul and Party would drop the anger they might realise the affect they were having on the group.

Kobra and Jet had left that morning after receiving a message from and old friend currently residing in zone 3. Kobra had mentioned his name was Cyber ghost, someone he had worked with before BL/ind existed. Party had just shrugged, but she could see the worry in his eyes about the two leaving and she had tried to talk to them herself, making them promise to be extra careful and not make any noise. The guy in question had some intel from inside battery city so they hadn't hesitated In driving out to meet him knowing the airwaves were not a trustworthy method of communication for something that could be integral information for their plan to take down Korse.

The plan she was currently staring at, the plan she knew would never work yet hadn't had the right opportunity to address with her crew. She had tried a couple of times over the last two days but with all the anger and emotion flying around it hadn't got through to any of them yet. The plan itself was only rough, too many holes in it to work just yet and she knew they would finalise that and work out all the flaws between them, but it didn't feel right. Deep down she knew it would go wrong, everything inside of her was screaming for them not to go through with it as they would end up losing someone and it would be futile.

The holes in the plan wasn't the issue, the main reason it wouldn't work was because it was pointless, utterly utterly pointless. All the planning, danger and battling their way into the city wouldn't give them the outcome they needed. They could kill Korse sure, but that wouldn't stop the threat, it would be like a band aid on an open artery. There was always another to take his place, an endless line of mindless grunts to take over the vendetta, the grudge would be moved on to the next scarecrow and they would still be prime target. It would never stop, not until BL/ind industries crumbled and everyone stopped taking the damn pills.

They needed to think bigger, make more of an impact but she knew there was no way of taking them down. Even if every killjoy banded together they couldnt take down the industry yet. How on earth could she voice this to them all without them thinking she was suggesting giving up? They would never listen, it was the killjoy way to keep running but her crew preferred to hunt out the problem rather than be hunted. Causing maximum chaos along the way.

She looked up to see Ghoul sitting across from her, confused as to when that happened. She had been so lost in thought she hadn't even noticed him, and now he was glaring at her like she had just pointed a gun to him.

"Ghoul what the fuck! It's rude to Sneak up on someone" She glared back at him wondering what was going on.

"I'm never subtle, maybe pay more attention. What was you thinking about to be so lost in it?" He said his expression never changing.

"I...nothing just thinking over the plan some more. What's up your arse anyway?" She said shifting uncomfortably under his gaze, she wasn't used to him being so cold.

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