Chapter 22

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As they tore across the desert with dust blowing a storm behind them she couldn't help but smile. She moved her face close to the open windows letting the breeze carry her hair backwards and whipping against the seat, it felt so fucking freeing. She felt so alive, almost euphoric. It reminded her of her dreams except this time she could feel the exhilaration buzzing around her body, you didn't get experiences like this in the city. In that moment it all clicked on her head, why they fought so hard for their freedom. Those people In the city were not living they were merely existing, time ticking away until they died and were replaced or made into dracs. But not her, not today, she would enjoy this freedom and the feeling of hot sun on her skin and wind in her hair.

She glanced over at Party, her smile so infectious she saw his mouth move to mirror her own. She didn't have her memories back yet but they felt close, she felt hope for the first time that things may actually work out. She hated having these feelings for him and being so conflicted at the same time, the worry of not living up to the old her, the real Neon he loved. She didnt know how to be her, but maybe she was enough just as she was and that was all she could hope for.

"You never enjoyed the desert like this before" She heard Party say, his hand drifting to give her thigh a squeeze.

"How could I not? Its so intoxicating!" She smiled sticking her head out from the window once again.

"You hated the heat, that's why you always preferred the nights on the roof. This is freedom though, this is why we are out here" He said with another squeeze of her leg.

She noticed he felt more confident in showing affection towards her since the night before. She wasn't Neon yet but he had seemed to change, sensing her getting herself back somehow, or maybe his heart was big enough for both versions of her.

"The heat is horrendous but fuck, the breeze and the speeding across the desert! I could get used to this!"

He didn't reply this time, his smile firmly in place but she saw the mood change in him. She wasn't quite sure if it was something she said or the fact they were approaching their destination. Either way she closed her eyes and tried to take in the last of this sensation, enjoying every last second of it.

"Neon, when we pull up let me do the talking ok? There's some dodgy characters in this zone and they won't know your not.....Well you. Its best to keep it that way." Party said suddenly full of seriousness, his hand firmly back on the steering wheel leaving her leg feeling empty from his touch.

"Oh, OK, if you think that's best..." She said quietly, feeling the mood had broken, the last piece of excitement draining from her being replaced now with uncertainty.

"We have had issues in this zone and I may have caused some, well minor problems defending you before. Stupid I know, but we will be in and out my contact knows we are arriving so it should be fine. Just stay close" He said solemnly.

She wanted to ask questions, delve deeper into his words but she resisted. He suddenly seemed on edge and it didn't feel right to start questioning him so she stayed silent. It was eating away at her mind though, what had he been defending her from? Or who? Had she been a fault, maybe she had been reckless in the past but she had no time to dwell on her thoughts. Whatever the reason she would have to keep her wits about her, she had her training to fall back on luckily but she knew if anything went wrong she hadn't the experience, that she could remember anyway, to be as helpful as was needed.

They pulled up to what looked almost like an old fashioned street, broken and derelict buildings either side of a sandy dirt path stood in front of them. It almost felt like civilisation for once, but the feeling of an old wild west came to mind. She half expected to see a sherrif stroll past on a horse it was so reminiscent of days gone by.

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