Chapter Eleven.

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She sat on Diamonds bed anxiously, she'd never had much interest in dressing up and make up. She just stuck to what she knew and liked which was generally all black and a bit of eyeliner. She out all her creativity into her hair.

Diamond on the other hand was thriving in this moment, she had pulled out every item of make up she owned, most of it was either hand made by killjoys and sold at markets, or horribly out of date from before the helium wars. Even though they lived in the desert killjoys were incredibly resourceful and many made their own diy version of make up to be able to add colour to their skin. Just another way of fighting against the blandness of the corporation in battery city.

"So what are you going to wear? I don't know whether to go all out or dress casual and be more elaborate make up wise?" Diamond chattered excitedly.

"Um..Well I was just going to wear this I mean I don't get dressing up to hang out with the people you see everyday" She regretted her words as she saw Diamonds reaction.

"Oh. Yeah I suppose" Diamond said disappointment dripping from every word.

"Hey you can, I think you should if it makes you happy you definitely should." She tried to rescue the situation even if she was a little confused.

"Its just....Well what do we ever have to look forward to. Everything always blood, stealing, battle and normally more blood! I just thought it might be something new to try"

"Hey D I'm sorry look let's do it. Maybe just the make up for me though? Will you help me with mine?" She said. She was terrible at anything other than a little eyeliner and wouldn't even know where to start.

"Oh I have just the thing! I have this blue that would make a brilliant eyeshadow to match your hair!" Diamond smiled grabbing a few bits and walking over to her smiling again now.

She closed her eyes as Diamond set to work applying an array of things to her face. She had no clue what was going on but was happy to let Diamond work her magic if it made her happy.

"Thank you, me and my friends used to do this back before the wars. You know before it was all banned. We used to have just as much fun getting ready for a night out as we did being out. I've really missed it, I miss them. None of them have made it, only me. And that's only because you guys found me" Diamond said sadly, a single tear running down her face.

"Oh Diamond, I'm so sorry" She said standing up and hugging her friend tight.

"Thats why I couldn't face you after...what happened that night. I thought I lost another friend and I don't know how much more I can take"

"I was selfish I didn't think clearly, in my head I was protecting you all when I was really hurting you all more" She said feeling terrible.

"I've thought about it too, not so much now. Ghoul is my reason for carrying on. And all of you. Having friends again is special especially out here."

"I love you Diamond, we all do. I wish I could make things better"

"Right enough of the pity party. Trauma dumping is over for tonight. Check out your new look" Diamond said smiling again now.

She walked over to the mirror to examine Diamonds work and gasped. She barely recognised her self. Her sun ravaged skin now looked youthful and smooth, her eyes no longer had any dark circles and were covered in the most striking blue colour she had ever seen. Black had been added on top to keep with her usual style but she looked good. She couldn't remember the last time she thought that.

"Your a miracle worker." She exclaimed.

"It was nothing!" Diamond said looking proud of herself.

By the time they had finished, they were giggling together excitedly. Diamond had been right, this was fun. They walked out arm in arm down towards the guys who were still sitting in the main room, trying to stifle their giggles but it only made it worse.

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