Chapter 136

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Laying down in bed with Ava fast asleep on her chest as she looks straight up in the air. Counting all the small swirls on the ceiling trying to fall asleep. Ava small hand squeezing her shirt causing her to dart her attention to her looking at her smack her lips together before dozing back to sleep.

'I need to sleep...but I can't' trying to relax as she closes her eyes. Trying to relax as she closes her eyes. The phone chiming next to her as she pulls it up off the bed seeing Bucky sent her a video.

"Who's who?" Bucky speaking behind the phone as Willow stands next to 4 snowmen "mommy" pointing at the one next to her "daddy" walking down the small row of snowmen "me" losing her balance for a moment before catching herself "who's the last one?" Pointing to the smallest snowman "Ava" clapping her hands walking to Bucky, "Good job pumpkin" lifting her up as he turns the camera to face them "Say I did it mommy!" smiling at the camera "I did it mommy!" her nose bright pink from the cool weather before the video stopped.

Letting out a sigh seeing that Ava was fast asleep on her. Pulling the blanket up to cover them up trying again to catch a small cat nap. 

Resting her head on Bucky shoulder watching the movie play in front of them completely zoned out of it. Day dreaming in her head about anything and everything "You tired?" Bucky shrugging his shoulder a little to look at her "A little, I've been debating on going to the bathroom or not"

"Go, I'll pause the movie" leaning over grabbing the remote off the armrest. Sliding off the couch heading to the bathroom in her bedroom. Grabbing her phone off the nightstand scrolling through till finding the correct number. Listening to the line ring a few times before hearing a grunt "Yes Maddie?" Zack tired voice seeping through as he tries to hide it "You free tomorrow?" looking over her shoulder careful to not speak to loud "Uh, I'm free at 2 if that works for you" adjusting in his bed "Uh...." thinking through the next day "I can last for 10 minutes or an hour all up to you"

Twisting her lips to one side  "I won't take up too much or your time" looking to the ground watching her toes wiggle through the rug "I'll take any time can get from you...goodnight Maddie"

"Goodnight Zack" hanging up the phone putting it back on the charger till going to the bathroom to change her pad. 2 weeks and the bleeding is beginning to subside. Going back out seeing Bucky smiling at her walking out. "What?" smiling back at him, his hands reaching out to take her making her sit on his lap.

His hands resting on her hips easily feeling the loose skin under the shirt being mindful of where he touches "Have I told you how proud I am of you" looking up to her seeing the small smile on her face "A couple hundred times" resting her hands on his shoulders "You'll hear it a hundred more times-scratch that a  million times more because I am so proud of you" pulling her tighter to him feeling her small deflated bump through the shirt. 

"I am so proud of you for carrying not one but two babies, growing them inside of and keeping them safe and healthy for all those months. Thank you for making me a dad again" the tears forcing their way out. Her chin trembling as she stares at his icy blue eyes. His hand coming up to cup her face wiping the tear that escaped with his thumb "Is this leading up to the push present you forgot to give me" letting out a soft chuckle wiping the other tear. "I didn't forget, I ordered it in advance so it would come at 39 weeks, but as we know things happen you're no longer pregnant. Its coming sometime next week" smiling pulling her gentle down to him laying a delicate kiss on her lips. 

Smiling as the kisses get more intense, "We aren't doing it" trying to speak through the kisses "I know, just ignore him, pretend I have a chastity belt on or that my dick is cactus and that it will hurt" laughing pulling away to look at him. His hands moving to hold her hands dragging his thumbs across her knuckles "Fingers are still swollen huh" looking down at her bare hands. "I tried putting it on today but I got it just past my knuckle and I was too worried it would get stuck so I chickened out" his thumb grazing over the ring finger "I can get you another one" looking at her naked hand. 

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