Chapter 5 ✔️

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"They are beautiful, aren't they?" Jasper uttered.

"Undoubtedly," I turned to look at him, only to realise Jasper was looking at me and not the flowers. Did he just call me beautiful?

"You like water lily's?" I asked with furrowed eyebrows.

"No," I grew more curious as I felt him only get closer and my heart felt like it was actually going to beat out of my chest. "I think you're beautiful." My heart skipped a beat and it felt like I was going to turn to liquid.

"Really?" I looked into his dark brown eyes, which stared back into mine.

"Unmistakably. You are, without a doubt, the most beautiful girl I have ever laid eyes on." Okay, he knew how to talk.

"Well, aren't you a charmer?" I looked up at him, my lips curling up into a half smirk.

"I like to think so," his hand lifted and gently brushed my cheek as I felt the air between us grow thinner and the tension thicken. His face was only inches from mine, and...

"Althea! Wake up! We're going to be late." My brother banged against my bedroom door, startling me half to death as I almost leapt out of my bed, having to take a moment to catch my breath.

"I'll be down in 20 minutes," I huff, banging once against the door since I knew he was still on the other side, hearing him let out a whine, because I'm pretty sure his ear was pressed against my door for no rational reason.


"Thea—" I felt a hand on my shoulder, and almost jumped out of my skin. I quickly spun around and wrapped my hands around the wrists of whoever touched my shoulders. "Woah, woah, chill out. Why are you so jumpy today?" Isaac asked me as he looked at my face, trying to see if he could read my expression. Annoyingly, he could. Call it a brother-sister thing.

"I'm just very tired. Bad nights sleep." I replied, not thinking it was in any way a good idea to tell him about my dream. God, he'd probably kill Jasper and it isn't even Jasper's fault.

"In the last 7 years, I don't think you have had a good nights sleep. You've been less jumpy when you've had no sleep. What's going on, Thea?" He pointed out with a huff, keeping his tone calm and hushed as he spoke.

"My lack of sleep has caught up with me. I'm too tired to be alert." I persisted, but failed to convince him. It's hard to lie to someone who has spent so many years analysing just about everything about me so that he could understand your thought processes.

"Stop lying," he retorted, this time in a harsher tone. I hated lying to him and he hated it when I lied to him.

"I'm not," I further persisted. I want him to drop it. He knows I won't give in. Not yet. The more her argues, the more I argue back.

"Yes you are."

"Isaac, laisse tomber..." I snapped at him, telling him to drop it. I didn't mean to snap at him, so I took a deep breath and looked at him. "...s'il vous plaît," I breathed in a softer tone.

"Fine, I'll drop it."

"Merci," I nodded as he wrapped his arms around me, bringing me into a hug. He cared about me, and he made sure to show it.

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