Chapter 7 ✔️

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The other day, I basically poured out the thing that I feared most to a boy I barely knew. I don't know what it is about Jasper, but I trust him. More than I have trusted anyone in a long time.

I don't know why I even told him. It's not like he had me cornered and was interrogating me. I don't like how open I want to be around him. I don't like how I feel out of control when I'm around him. Hell, I can't even stop myself from smiling around him, so I have to turn my face away from him. I've never had to do that before.

Knock, knock, knock! "Come in," I invited, knowing that it was my brother knocking on the door.

"Hey, Thea," oh, God. He has that "we need to talk" tone.

"What's up?" I asked, patting the bed in front of me telling him to come over and sit on my bed with me.

"We're staying home today because the sun's out." He replied, sitting down down, and placing a hand on my knee. No, no, no, no, I don't want to listen to a lecture. I swear if he starts lecturing me I'm actually going to grab a sock and put it in his mouth to shut him up.

"Is that all?" Please tell me that I have misjudged this encounter, which is unlikely since he wouldn't have sat down if that was it.

"No, I wanted to ask you something," I sighed in disappointment, though I'm not sure what he could possibly want to talk about.

"Shoot," I picked up the bottle of water on my bedside table and took a sip while he spoke.

"Is there something going on with you and Jasper?" I choked on my water, having to pat my chest as I put the water down. Now that's going to give my brother the impression that I am lying about something.

"What brought that on?" I asked with a wondrous tone.

"I don't know, he just looks at you a lot and you seem quite happy when you're around him."

"That doesn't mean that there's something going on between us." I stated, contemplating whether I could just get up and walk out of my room. Maybe jumping out of the window is easier. It's not that high. I bet I could land on my feet.

"I love you, but you are undoubtedly the most miserable person I have ever met in my life."

"One, I love you too. Two, rude. And three, I am not that miserable." I deadpanned, which resulted in a snicker escaping his lips.

"You're stubborn beyond all rationality. You lack a filter. You're almost always in a bad mood. You keep to yourself. You're shut in your room 90% of the time and Bella is the first good friend you've made by yourself in the last 4 years." Okay, maybe my brother has a point. I'm not the most joyous of people, but that's because I have other things to focus on.

"Well, nothing is going on between me and Jasper. He's just a friend, and not to mention, your best friend, so I'm obliged to like him." I said with a smile before standing up so that I could grab my glasses.

"What happened to your contacts?" He wondered, his eyes following me as I put them on.

"Fell asleep in them yesterday and they dried up, so I need to get a new pair delivered." I answered him while I tied my hair into a knot on top of my head. I'm not going to school today, so there's no point prettying myself up. He nodded in response to me before soon diverting back to our previous conversation.

"Anyway, I just wanted to double check." He said and I'll be honest, I was a little annoyed.

"Wonderful, although if there was, it wouldn't concern you." I think I hit a nerve because now he's annoyed.

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