Chapter 10 ✔️

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Althea had spent the last hour teaching Carlisle and Esme how to cook some strangely complex Italian dish for Bella.

She seemed to be enjoying herself a lot while cooking with them, but her smiles were still absent. You could just hear the excited pitch of her voice, which was also quite bossy (I like that side of her), and the bright glimmer in her ocean eyes.

She even managed to get Rosalie to smile and have a full conversation with her. She managed to push past Rosalie's rough exterior and meet the Rosalie we all care about, and love.

Emmett was grating the cheese while Rosalie made the salad, Esme was chopping up vegetables and Carlisle was chopping and frying the meat. Me, Alice, Isaac and Althea weren't all that involved in the final cooking steps. Althea gave them the recipe and very bossily instructed them on how to do it again before Isaac whisker her out of the kitchen. We had to bring her outside before she took over, which she almost did. It's clear that she loves cooking.

We were all sat outside on one of the balcony's together. Alice was talking about how much of a romantic swoon Isaac was, while Isaac hid his face, getting embarrassed when Althea started telling Alice some of the stories she had about him.

The topic changed to Isaac taking Alice on a date tonight at some point. I have no idea when.

"Do you know what you're going to wear?" Althea asked as she took a sip of her water. Why is that so attractive to me? Everything she does is so mesmerising. This girl has such an affect on me and I don't even think she knows it.

"I have two options. I have this super nice summer dress and cardigan combination that are more casual and then this really nice body con type dress that is lilac with frills. A bit more on the fancy side, but I love it." Alice said with excitement bubbling in her voice. Alice is naturally the most friendly and energetic person you'll ever meet. She can make anyones day better because she was naturally very good with people.

"Purple frills, definitely." I said, making Alice smile and nod. I liked actively being apart of the conversation, despite it being stereotypically classified as 'girlie'. Alice is my best friend, and I'm going to make sure she looks her best for her date. That's what friends are for.

"I agree with Jasper. Lilac is undoubtedly your colour and you'll absolutely blow him away when he see's you in it." Althea agreed, winking at her brother, who has been death staring her for about 20 minutes now.

"Lilac dress it is then," Alice giggled, glancing at Isaac, who nodded.

"The second you get home, I want you to call me and tell me all about it. My brother is always so vague on the details compared to when you tell me about your dates." Althea sounded excited, and maybe even a slight smile appeared on the corners of her lips for a moment.

"Deal, on one condition."

"What condition?" Althea wondered curiously.

"You do my makeup before the date. I want to look my best and you're absolutely gorgeous." Alice said, making Althea laugh. She covered her face when she laughed, but the sound of it was so... I love her laugh.

I completely agree with Alice. Althea is drop dead gorgeous. With and without makeup.

"Un, you're also gorgeous and deux, of course I'll do your makeup." She replied happily while Alice hugged her softly. When Althea used French pronunciations while speaking even had an effect on me. Could she be any more perfect?

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